New World Order & World Leaders

freedoms other than the liberties granted to you by the fascist elite. The fact that politicians can be voted out, and the fact that US presidents can only serve two terms, must really piss them off. They have tried rigging elections, but they usually get found out. Their ideal solution is to create a system where they can never be voted out and never be held accountable for their dirty deeds. The New World Order IS that solution and their mouths drool at the very thought of it. They want it so …

20 thoughts on “New World Order & World Leaders”

  1. hahaha they wont get the netherland and our close friends EG 4 life yeah

  2. we can unite and gain numbers threw our numbers we will be stronger and safer. then we as a force can take them down by any means possible! i’m working on a vid on this subject of unity! PEACE n LOVE!

  3. En este momento los Estados Unidos con todos los BILLONES QUE FABRICARON están en capacidad de comprar 3 veces más que hace 3 días en cualquier País del mundo, es decir pagando la misma cantidad de dólares se pueden llevar 3 veces más productos. Al Ecuador esto no afecta, no sólo por la Soberanía Alimentaria que tenemos sino porque nosotros gracias al DÓLAR somos igualmente más ricos como los Estados Unidos, pero ASI NO ME DA MUCHA FELICIDAD.

  4. your jewish? so are the leaders of the illuminati, and with what your saying your spew of violence i wouldent be shocked if you was in thier blood line as well:)

  5. the whole of the gov is puppets and the treasury are thier masters, this ****** gonna go down alott faster than you think, you should start planning an escape or rebellion now!

  6. Good video but it fails to point out that the real evil force hiding behind these layers is the Vatican and the Jesuits. Check out SpirituallySmart and Historical Investigative Research and the link on my homepage.

  7. so the world will be taken over by techno and all who fail to step in line will be thrown into the sun…
    hmmm, good luck w/ that.

  8. netherlands is already under control by illuminatie. dont forget they are verry powerfull famalies from europe. maby thats why they want to destroy america. so that europe is the future.

  9. Yes it is! If you look the info to your top right you will see that I put NufffRespect in it! It doesn´t matter it´s a copy, WHAT MATTERS IS TO SPREAD THE WORD! THIS IS THE WHOLE POINT! This is what youtube is about!
    Peace & LOVE my friend

  10. Eric Bishof at one time, and Vince MCman are two of the wealthiest men in the world. Their HUGELY popular wrestling organizations were repping NWO for a long time, thats veiwed my millions. I wouldnt be surprised if they were down with this *****.

  11. We the people have all got to stick together.. start caring about one another again.. stop being petty and greedy
    We can stop the new world order in their tracks

  12. nice job putting the blue monday track in this vid. we need breakdancing aliens to come down and rid the evil…i like the suprised white hippy girl saying “THATS BRUTALITY…IT’S ******** BRUTALITY” hahahaha welcome to america lady..her stoned **** really needed to see it to believe…***** COPS…I WANNA SKIN COPS ANS WEAR THEIR EPIDERMIS AS I SODOMIZE EVERY GOVERNMENT LEADER….***** THE PATRIOT ACT….F-U-C-K- THE PARTIOT ACT..COME AND GET ME YOU ******** ******* **** SHMUCKS!

  13. brutality and lying is the name of the game which is played behind on our backs!

  14. Jews killed your Jesus.we r proud of it. You ***** white man You nazi.
    This is our lands. God gave it to Jews .You son of a ******.. You nazi white man. we gonna kill you son of ***** .********* white man

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