Niels Harrit on Alex Jones Tv (HD) 1/2:Nano-Thermite Found in WTC Dust !!

Niels Harrit has been Associate Professor at the Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, for 37 years. … Niels Haritt Professor Chemistry University Copenhagen WTC Alan Watt Matrix illuminati Club of Rome Bilderberg group CFR TLC WTO WHO Romans 13 TBN John Hagee Satan Occult freemasons 33 degree all seeing eye Angles Demons Pope International Bankers IMF G-20 Summit Barach Obama Hillary Clinton Ron Paul

4 thoughts on “Niels Harrit on Alex Jones Tv (HD) 1/2:Nano-Thermite Found in WTC Dust !!”

  1. Metals are capable of burning under the right conditions, similarly to the combustion process of wood or gasoline. In fact, rust is the result of oxidation of steel or iron at very slow rates. A thermite reaction is a process in which the correct mixture of metallic fuels are combined and ignited. Ignition itself requires extremely high temperatures.

  2. “The most common thermite is aluminium-iron(III) oxide.” Correct, and this is exactly what the researchers found! There were very finely mixed nano-sized particle of Fe2O3 and Al before the reaction, and elemental iron after reaction, showing that a thermite reaction did in fact take place. The ignition temperature was lowered because the very small size and intimate mixing increased the surface area available for reaction.

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