NO MORE GAMES! Trump Just Issued Blunt Threat To Democrats Over Border Wall Construction
When President Trump was on the campaign trail he made the American people a promise. He would build a big beautiful wall on our southern border to protect our nation from the influx of illegal aliens as well as drugs, and human trafficking. The media automatically labeled then-candidate Trump as a racist hate monger. Even with the crime rates skyrocketing in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, the Democrats are still fighting the President every step of the way. The media hasn’t been fair to the President. Where were all of the protesters under President Barack Obama? Little known fact, Barack Obama deported more illegals from the united states than any other sitting U.S President behind him. President Trump has tried to compromise on DACA, and the Democrats sit back and take no action. They do not care about the illegal children that are here against their own free will. They do not care about anyone but themselves.
Now, President Trump is trying to keep his promise to the American people. The President recently made a trip to the border in hopes of hiring a contractor to start construction of the wall. The 1,900-mile border with Mexico is mostly desolate. There are only about 650 miles with some style of a fence in place. The U.S Border patrol claims there isn’t enough manpower, or technology to secure the entire border. This is another reason they endorsed then-candidate Trump for U.S President.
Democrats have been playing politics instead of doing what they can to protect the American people from the horrors that come across the border. The president vowed to do everything in his power to make it happen, even if there is a government shutdown.
The president did not specify what he meant by “closing up the country”, but last month he told supporters that unless Congress met his funding demands on border security, there could be a government shutdown in the autumn.Current government funding is due to run out in September.
The plan to build a wall with Mexico was one of the most prominent pledges in the president’s election campaign.
More than 200 central-American migrants traveled through Mexico as part of a “caravan” last month, intending to seek asylum in the US.
Although Mr. Trump had warned that they “had better be stopped” before reaching the US border, 228 people were eventually allowed to enter the US and apply for asylum late last week.
“We may have to close up our country to get this straight because we either have a country or we don’t,” Mr. Trump said yesterday. “And you can’t allow people to pour into our country the way they’re doing.”
Illegal migrants were exploiting a “catch and release” policy, he said. Under the policy, migrants are freed while awaiting a court hearing.
The President was in the midst of criticizing Democrats during a riff about border security when he slipped in the idea that people might “have to think about closing up the country.”
“They don’t want the wall, but we’re going to get the wall, even if we have to think about closing up the country for a while,” Trump said. “We’re going to get the wall. We have no choice. We have absolutely no choice. And we’re going to get tremendous security in our country.”
Trump then mentioned the notion a second time, saying, “And we may have to close up our country to get this straight because we either have a country or we don’t. And you can’t allow people to pour into our country the way they’re doing.”-CNN
The Democrats understand the American people are sick of their games, and Anti-American remarks. The only answer to staying in power is to pander to the minorities and illegals who are coming to America illegally. They hope these people will become citizens, and or enact laws that allow them to vote. The majority of minorities in this country have always voted for Democrats. The Democrats understand this and are trying to use it to their advantage. This isn’t anything new. The Democrats have been doing this for decades. The LGBT community has been used since Harvey Milk was assassinated in the late 70’s. Democrats have promised for full marriage equality as well as constitutional amendments protecting them in the workplace as well as in the public. The rise of LGBT Republicans has proven Democrats have done absolutely nothing, and have only used the LGBT community for political gain.
Leave it to the Democrats to put illegals over Legal Americans and Veterans to hold on to Political power. President Trump is playing chess while the Democrats are still trying to figure out how to play checkers. There is no rush from the Democrats to help any of these illegals who are fleeing their war-torn nations because the cartels are ransacking their villages and homes.