It mattered then and it matters now. The events we are seeing play out today, from the exposure of how government surveillance was weaponized under Barack Hussein Obama to the geopolitical power shift in the Middle East, the dots are openly starting to connect. Barack Hussein Obama, a/k/a Barry Soetoro was a creation of the “Deep State” used to implement a specific agenda – one that accelerated the subjugation of our nation to a collectivist power.
An important aspect of HOW we arrived to where we are today is understanding WHO Barack Hussein Obama is. Insight into Obama’s identity as a “Trojan Horse” is key to understanding the methods and tactics of the “Deep State” infiltration of the highest levels of our government institutions.
A closer examination of Barack Hussein Obama and the extensive investigation conducted by Mike Zullo, lead investigator of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, with deputized investigator Carl Gallups provides disturbing findings about Obama’s origins and background.
The investigative findings by this commissioned law enforcement body effectively prove the case that Obama’s long-form certificate of live birth is a fraudulent document. Their findings raise even more troubling questions that linger today.
New revelations are provided in this important broadast.
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