Obama Brags About Being The Perfect President In Speech And Mocks Trump, Immediately Regrets It

Obama Brags About Being The Perfect President In Speech And Mocks Trump, Immediately Regrets It

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Former President Barack Obama appears to be bragging about being the perfect president as a way to mock Trump and he might be immediately regretting that decision after social media had their way with it. It was Obama himself who made the audacious claim, boastfully proclaiming to one and all about his “scandal-free administration.” While speaking at a technology conference in Las Vegas, Obama made the claim regarding his eight years in office, Newsweek reports. He states: “I didn’t have scandals, which seems like it shouldn’t be something you brag about. But actually, if you look at the history of the modern presidency, coming out of the modern presidency without anybody going to jail is really good. It’s a big deal.”

Obama then went on to suggest there were fewer scandals within his administration because he was lenient with anyone who messed up but did not do so out of “malicious intent.”

“No one in my White House ever got in trouble for screwing up as long there wasn’t malicious intent behind it,” Obama said.
The mocking in response to Obama’s ridiculous and easily disprovable claims has been swift with people taking to social media in droves to list his scandals by the dozens. There are many to choose from. David Limbaugh chronicles just a short list of examples and the list is by no means exhaustive by any stretch chronicles some of the highlights of Obama’s two disgraceful terms in office:

Benghazi: In addition to the scandalous betrayal and d***h of our people, Obama and his cohorts concocted and disseminated the lie that the attack on our consulate was caused by an anti-Muslim video. Later, Judicial Watch obtained a smoking-g*n email from top-level Obama aid Ben Rhodes, sent to a dozen members of Obama’s inner circle, that contained talking points to prepare then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice for the Sunday talk shows. Three of the four main bullet points Rhodes was advising Rice to convey were patently false, including the lie about the video. They knew, because the CIA made it clear, that the attack was not the result of a spontaneous protest to an anti-Muslim video but preplanned by al-Qaida. The Obama administration manufactured this canard to insulate Obama from criticism two months before the November 2012 election, as he had boasted that he had al-Qaida on the run.

Obama’s IRS conspired to target conservative and pro-Israel groups for discriminatory treatment in acquiring tax exemptions.

Obama and then-Attorney general Eric Holder’s Justice Department was never held to account for its actions on the gunrunning scandal known as Operation Fast and Furious, in which an American was murdered with weapons this administration deliberately put into the hands of Mexican cartels.
This same Justice Department was also under a cloud due to scandals involving its massive culling of Associated Press reporters’ phone records concerning a leak investigation, slandering Fox News reporter James Rosen over classified information, and monitoring Rosen’s phone calls and emails.

Obama’s lies on Obamacare were legion and scandalous: He knew from the jump we couldn’t keep our plans or our doctors, and that Obamacare would reduce rather than increase people’s access to care. He knew it wouldn’t reduce premiums by $2,500 for the average family of four. He deceived us when he said no federal dollars would be used to fund abortions. He grossly distorted the picture of the true number of uninsured. His goal, proved on videotape, was always single-payer. He used budgetary accounting gimmicks to grease Obamacare by the CBO, including the double counting on Medicare.
After Obama’s failure to pass cap-and-trade legislation through Congress to purportedly reduce the global temperature by suppressing traditional energy production and consumption, his Environmental Protection Agency unilaterally and unconstitutionally issued a decree to accomplish his goal administratively. Some called this one of the biggest power grabs in American history, as the EPA had positioned itself to regulate fuel economy, set climate policy for the nation and amend the Clean Air Act — powers never delegated to it by Congress.