Obama Just Announced Millions Will Partake Hitler Like Training For Youth – Brainwashing ‘Next Generation’
source: https://goo.gl/7UEFut
Former President Barack Obama inked the deal. You probably heard about it by now. Many people have already canceled. Some people could not care less. And Obama’s supporters were probably rallying around it. If you aren’t sure about what the ‘deal’ is, and missed out on some of the big headlines this week, then don’t worry about it. We’ve got you covered. It was just recently that Barack and Michelle Obama signed a multi-year deal with Netflix to produce a show of some sort and the results have been absolutely mixed. As previously mentioned, some people have stated they canceled their Netflix subscription, some people simply won’t watch it, and Obama’s supporters are likely cheering before the show even starts – a premature celebration to say the least.
It’s not the fact that the Obama’s have signed a deal with Netflix that’s the bad part. Any former president can get a show on any channel or streaming service and people really shouldn’t care as long as the show is simply about their life, a biography, or something light and entertaining. However, it appears that the Obama’s might have a different agenda for their show. It seems like, from what sources are saying, that Barack might want to utilize (abuse) the Netflix platform to push his agenda as a means of training viewers to vote for Democrats in the upcoming election. Ironically, the 2020 election is not so far away and the Netflix/Obama deal is reportedly multi-year, which could be just long enough to get beyond the election.
What we might be seeing is a politician abusing an entertainment platform in hopes to train young viewers, more or less a video version of indoctrinating the hip tech-savvy audience into voting for whomever the Democrats roll out in 2020. Could this be considered abusing a platform just like the way athletes abuse their privilege as a performer when they protest during sports? Many believe it is.
An article from Business Insider stated this from Obama:
“Obama was speaking at a tech conference in Las Vegas hosted by identity security company Okta when he was asked about the deal.
Obama explained that the Netflix deal was going to be focused on telling people’s stories. He said he hopes these stories will help people see and better understand one another and ultimately help us move past the divisive political discourse that has mired Washington for so long.
“I would not have been president had I not learned very early on in my professional career the importance of stories,” Obama told a standing-room-only crowd of thousands of people.”
What’s very strange about that quote from Obama is that he was very responsible for causing a bit of divide himself. Many people consider Obama to be the president who set Democrats against the police, painting police as the bad guys.
The article continued: “The Obamas used that lesson on the importance of listening when the future president campaigned for the Senate and presidency.
“We want to tell stories,” he said, “This [Netflix deal] becomes a platform. We are interested in lifting people up and identifying people doing amazing work.”
“We did this in the White House,” he said.”
That’s the problem right there. The Netflix deal should not be a platform for a political agenda. It should be a platform of people being entertained. We have reached a very troubling time where some people continue mixing entertainment and politics and it just doesn’t work.
Netflix now has a major problem on their hands because the backlash on social media is roaring with so many agitated people saying they will cancel their subscription.
Here’s where it gets tricky for Netflix. The people who consider canceling are likely right-wing aligned conservatives and Republicans who are known for being more fiscally responsible. Would it be wise for Netflix to allow Obama to forge a path with an agenda that targets people? Or should the keep the show as far from indoctrination as possible?
For example, if the show was about Barack Obama going on fishing trips, then would anyone care? Doubtful. The problem is that Obama has stated he wants to use the Netflix deal as a platform and that’s what has people upset.
Not everyone wants their entertainment poorly mixed with a shot of politics.
On a side note, it would be nice if the Obama show explained how they managed to spend $114 million on family vacations and campaigning and if the plan to pay the taxpayers back for those expensive trips.
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