Obama’s Iran Earthquake Shakes Washington—Trump Calls For Decisive Action

Obama’s Iran Earthquake Shakes Washington—Trump Calls For Decisive Action

SOURCE : https://goo.gl/TPC3rA
As we look back on the Barack Obama presidency, we start to learn some shocking truths.

Of course, none of these truths would’ve been reported by the mainstream media, and they’re reluctant to address the truth now.

But it remains a fact that our former leader acted in highly questionable ways, and that includes shady dealings with our enemies overseas.

We already know that for whatever reason, Obama appeared to be in bed with Iran.

He was the one who agreed to that ridiculous Nuclear Deal (which Donald Trump recently disposed of, thankfully), and he was the one who helped fund various Iranian activities.

And just this week, we found out the Obama administration secretly snuck around the Iran sanctions, and mysteriously gave them financial aid.

The Associated Press ran a story about a “secret Obama-era permit” that let Iran convert funds to American dollars, and U.S. citizens were just blown away.

This report means Obama essentially gave one of America’s biggest enemies access to our financial system. And now that Trump has learned of it, well…

He’s not happy.

This is what Donald Trump does when he sees a problem. He doesn’t tiptoe around it with politically correct statements. He makes a real move.

And of course, Trump is referring to Robert Mueller’s special counsel, the “13 Angry Democrats” who are investigating Donald over the fictitious Russia conspiracy.

It’d be a better idea for Mueller and his team to stop the leftist-fueled witch hunt and actually go after the facts, even if their savior, Barack Obama, is in the crosshairs.

The leader of the free world snuck around and gave Iran financial aid, and let them convert the funds to American dollars. …why? And why should we just ignore it?

We shouldn’t. Trump is right: “Investigate!”

Maybe we’ll finally get some answers concerning Obama’s strange secrecy … and expose the dark truth about his presidency once and for all.