Alan Watt on Alex Jones Tv (HD) 3/4:The Illuminati Are Making Their Move!!

Song “Stranger Than Fiction” with quotes by Michael Tsarion.

Michael Tsarion is a controversial author and alternative historian ( I sampled quotes of his from various radio programs which he was on and put them to a beat that I composed along with some pictures for added effect. Enjoy!

All Or Nothing To Me…

I recorded this audio about 2 months ago. I wrote this on the plane, flying back to Fallon, from Home, after my Mom’s funeral last year. I’m not stuck in the same place I was then, but I expect to go there occasionally, ’til I leave this life. I tried to cut out the crying at the beginning, so that’s why it starts out choppy. I ended up just saying “forget it”. GBU, MDJ. All Or Nothing To Me If I were to write something, what would it be? It would be that this writing means nothing to me …