… Peter practiced Family Medicine. He had “little faith” and “no experience” with folks who “channeled” for a living. When her “spirit guide” took over, she began to talk like a sailor. I remember thinking her “guide” was one crusty old geezer! “A little spooky” but I remember we all had a really good evening. Cecilia genuinely wanted “to heal” Peter by bringing these folks by. I felt comforted by her “Complete Faith”. She became my (Saint Cecilia) that night. Whatever transpired, Peter …
Timewave Zero (Terence McKenna) 2/3
Check this out! (subtitled in French)
NWO Occult Pix Preview
Satanic Occult history, just a small sample of the obvious pictures we never noticed…… … nwo occult satanic pix catholisism metropolis tower babel egyption osiris horus alister crowley washington pope triple crown all seeing eye pyramid texe marrs
Logos: The Sun God – Eja [2]
realization, meditation, consciousness, reality, freedom, being, satsang, amness, self, oneness, love, happiness, lovebliss, heaven, truth, reincarnation, liberation, karma, zen, unconditional love, light, non-thinking, present moment, awareness, life, heart, mystic, advaita, non duality, lightmind, rebirth, existentialism, taoism, darshan, now, contentment, buddha, buddhism, ramana maharshi, tolle, nisargadata maharaj, adyashanti, dharma, beauty, harmony, immensity, everything, wonder, it, …
Pt 1/5 William Black former federal regulator tells all – Alex Jones Show
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