C2Coast – Father Wingate: End Times Pt2

China & Russia are threats to the US, and there’ll be an invasion on American soil, he said. A year after the invasion, Wingate continued, the Antichrist will meet with world leaders at the UN, and they’ll all be assassinated, clearing the way for the Antichrist’s takeover. Forced micro-chipping of the population will follow, he added. trumpetersmission.com www.trumpetersmission.com … coast-to-coastam father wingate george noory end times revelations THE WARNING stops all wars …

Illusion of Reality (All is One) Part 2

Illusion of Reality TAGS: Glodal awakening Oneness 2012 Nibiru Dr. Deagle Philip Schneider ILLUMINATI Bloodlines Global elite Reptilians Jordan Maxwell NASA PROJECT BLUEBEAM Credo Mutwa NWO William (Bill) Cooper Naomi Klein Karl Jung Hopi William Henry John Lear Esoteric Agenda Dogon tribe Mars Peggy Kane David Icke Draconians Eckhart Tolle

201i (eye)

FreeMasons (people behind NWO) are into symbols (eg back our dollar). This SATAMATICS was just purchased by a company here in the US in Nov 2008. Anyway, a lot of interesting coincidences. PYRAMID FACT (look it up). books.google.com … communication box carbon tax driving tolls tracking cars mobile device big brother alex jones thealexjoneschannel NWO seeing eye masons INFLATION GOLD SILVER financial collapse jim rogers george noory dollar new world order bernanke obama national debt gold …