Developed through a top-secret US military program, Remote Viewing is proven to be the most effective “psi” skill in the world. Though this skill is easy to learn and utilize within your own life, reseacrhers are just now beginning to understand how and hwy this groundbreaking skill is possible. … Remote Viewing Science Ed Dames
Cycles of Time are of All Times Prophecies Michael Tsarion
Cycles of Time are of All Times Prophecies Michael Tsarion
Jordan Maxwell 1993 classic part 1
basic slideshow presentation with jordan maxwell presenting his views and beliefs. really classic, this guy has been studying and digging for the real truth for over 40 some years!! this vid is from back in the day when i was just a meer sheep.. lol
Michael Cremo T.V Interviews Part 1 of 8
Hidden History of the Human Race..
John Lear Interview 1
Who is John Lear? He is a retired airline captain with over 19000 hours of flight time. He is the son of Lear Jet inventor, Bill Lear. He has flown over 100 different types of planes in 60 different countries. John holds 17 aviation world records. His accomplishments are too numerous to mention here such as: He was the youngest American to climb the Matterhorn in 1959. LEAR FLEW SECRET MISSIONS FOR THE CIA in Central and Southest Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa between 1966 …