PAINTING IN THE NEW WORLD ORDER Ep. 3 “Subliminal Bay” (3 of 3)

PAINTING IN THE NEW WORLD ORDER Ep. 3 “Subliminal Bay” (part 3 of 3) Welcome back Patriots to Painting in the New World Order! Take a subconscious journey with radical artist and filmmaker Lobo to “Subliminal Bay”, where there’s plenty more than meets the eye. In the 3rd installment of the series, Lobo demonstrates oil painting techniques for sunset and ocean views while exposing Big Brother’s methods of mind control through subliminal advertising and propaganda in the mainstream. ALTERNATIVE MEDIA and SURVIVAL LINKS: Don’t let the mainstream media clowns do the thinking for you! Stand tall, stand together America. Victory! ALEX JONES’ INFOWARS Hard-hitting daily news and radio show regarding: Gulf Coast Oil Gusher, the New World Order, chemtrails, eugenics, vaccines and the global economic collapse: WWW.INFOWARS.COM GERALD CELENTE “We will be in The Greatest Depression by 2012… Wall Street has hijacked Washington…. The Second American Revolution has begun…” World renown trends forecaster Gerald Celente accurately predicted the 1987 stock market crash, the fall of the Soviet Union, the attacks on 9/11 and the housing crash of 2008. Check out his latest forecast here: THE OIL DRUM Get the facts on the Gulf Coast Oil Gusher from the oil experts THE SURVIVAL CENTER NEWSLETTER You can subscribe FREE to the Survival Center’s International newsletter and get the information you and your family needs to survive and thrive