Part2 – Religion and Monetary system was created by Aliens to control us.

Jehovah was a false God. He is a reptilian. He played god on us on this planet. He was very demanding God. He said that he was a very jealous god. And that we should not serve 2 masters for we will despise the other? Why he said that? Because there are more than one God. We are all gods. He does not want us to find out our true identity. Jehovah was the leader of Orion greys. Jehovah’s Orion greys scientists brought the clones that they had created from Mars and put them here. The semites are Jehovah’s clones. Jehovah is called Yahweh. Yahweh means unknown. The parting of the sea was done by an alien technology. The Arc of the covenant was made from an Atlantean technology. The 10 commandments was Jehovah’s commandments. Every commandment written contradicts the next commandments. Which therefore confuses Jehovah’s clones. Why did Moses hair turned to gray in 40 days? Because he was exposed with so much radiation when Jehovah’s technology had carved the stone Christ Jmmanuel was sent by the Higher Realm to reversed the karma that Jehovah had done to us. The real God is not demanding, but loving and forgiving, with full of compassion and does used the power to punished the children, the children of God are not slaves. Jehovah belongs to the Niburu famliy lineage. The meaning of Niburu means.. DIVIDED AMONG US. Yes they are indeed are divided. Some are good and some are bad. The 13 elites families belongs to this same lineage. The 13 families are all shape shifters. They