Paul Craig Roberts on Alex Jones Tv 1/4:Obama’s Bush like Policies and Procedures

economist, nationally syndicated columnist, and former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration, Paul Craig Roberts.

10 thoughts on “Paul Craig Roberts on Alex Jones Tv 1/4:Obama’s Bush like Policies and Procedures”

  1. Yeah, why can’t we have that stuff that keeps Kissinger and Brzezinski going? That is more important than gas!! l,p

  2. father of reaganomics? this is the guy to listen to? i guess trickle down really means flood up.

  3. “Today the US media is owned by 5 giant companies in which pro-Zionist Jews have disproportionate influence.”…Paul Craig Roberts

  4. 911 Call Ends with Male Cops Strip Searching Woman.
    Victim – It felt like being raped without penetration.

  5. Obama and Osama – am I the only one here that thinks there’s some connection between these two names, other than both those names working for the same people?

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