Paul Craig Roberts on Alex Jones Tv 2/4:Obama’s Bush like Policies and Procedures

economist, nationally syndicated columnist, and former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration, Paul Craig Roberts.

24 thoughts on “Paul Craig Roberts on Alex Jones Tv 2/4:Obama’s Bush like Policies and Procedures”

  1. These anti terror laws are pure bull.
    Everybody with a brain is starting to see through all the *****,, police state *****.

  2. We should all boycott any and all malls which put airport-style screening devices on their premises.

  3. Alex : don’t use Led Zeppelin music in your shows.

    It’s music for satanists.

  4. Your Media is syndicated across the globe, yes its pre school entertainment.

    Antagonize Americans? SURE! You are the equivalent of the Germans under Hitler – not guilty, because you dont have blood on your hands.

    Your desire to expand your empire, and keep the white picket fence American dream alive comes at the cost to the rest of the world.

    The Chinese empire is growing, and they are growing it by trade and money. You yanks are doing it with guns and bombs.


  5. Oh Dear, poor old yanks, us English lived with the US funded Irish Republican Army for 29 years!!! This is in a country smaller than Oregon! So many dead… Yet seems its time for a lockdown in the USA.
    PUSSIES. Time to boycott America and the Dollar. Squeeze out the LAZY AMERICAN DREAM & get real, and STOP THE WAR!

  6. into the blue again after the moneys gone once in a lifetime water flowing underground same as it ever was same as it ever was same asit ever was same as it EVER WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. They are saying to boycott the malls..The malls would be easy to boycott, they are usually the extra expensive junk sold there.

  8. They’re a fraud ’cause they’re working together to bring this conflict about! Where do you think the politicians and the elite learned how to play both sides to their advantage? The learned from the masters of the two-sided conflict; God and Satan.

    Heck, I think God and Satan are gay lovers… (OMG the heresy!)

  9. Nature doesnt allow species to persist that dont know to run infront of the fire instead of in the fire, its natural selection on a social scale, either rise up and take them down or leave the country those are the only 2 options to get back your lives, as for leaving I think it would be very funny if masses of american applied to Chavez for refugee status based on the tyrannical financial regime in the USA

  10. Might be hard to do since a lot of malls across the country are “dying”. There is actually a website dedicated to dead malls.

  11. side point, but Alex is looking good, must be working out again, thank god, thought we were going to lose the guy to a heartattack there for awhile. Keep up the great work Alex!

  12. just like we should boycott Wal-Mart… never gonna happen. STOP BUYING JUNK especially junk made in china. Simplify and you’ll will see savings at the end of the month. Regarding the Police State being thrust upon us… If you are a cop or you are related to a cop convince them that orders given are not always the justified plan of action. Your training is with good purpose but your jobs sometimes with malice. See the guy getting choked recently on the net… he was an EMS WORKER working!!!

  13. What the Govt does has nothing to do with Americans and Yanks.
    Have u ever watched our media?

    At least you guys got the BNP, we don’t even have that.

    You antagonize Americans with your stupid yank talk and every Brit I’ve ever met was a ******, liar and manipulator arrogant punk alcoholic.

  14. You stop Buying, they’ll just take you’re money through Taxes, and Inflation.

    They’ve got it covered.

  15. Oh come on, relax…

    Satan and Jesus are frauds, so it doesn’t matter…

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