Paul Craig Roberts on Alex Jones Tv 3/4:Obama’s Bush like Policies and Procedures

economist, nationally syndicated columnist, and former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration, Paul Craig Roberts.

10 thoughts on “Paul Craig Roberts on Alex Jones Tv 3/4:Obama’s Bush like Policies and Procedures”

  1. I hate to say it but the world has to boycott America totally until the American people wake up to what their government is doing and correct it.

  2. ******** hell,the US is rapidly becoming the biggest police state in the world,you people need a revolution………i know what happens in the US one day,the next day it happens over hear in the UK,so i hope the people all come together.

  3. America is over ,Americans are daft,their govt is corrupt to the bone and now that they harbor War criminals I say shun them.
    Until their war criminals are brought to justice !
    the 12 lawyers that wrote the torture memos are international war criminals
    USA is now a torturing country and is on the international list of torturing entities.
    USA # 1 at torturing

  4. the masons, the Templars, the Jesuits, the Iluminati or the Communists, their success has been slow to come, short-lived and their fall has often been sudden and brutal. And always incomplete.

    That is very true

  5. Think you will find that the UK, with Echelon and US missile bars for decades is THE testing ground for modern police states. UK intelligence has it under lockdown. Ever since the IRA.

  6. sheeple will wake when the SHTF,, then to each his own. I see no way out of this for the US of A

  7. I found it interesting Robert’s comment that the Federal Reserve does not want to be audited because they can use the profits to cover expenses, many of which are probably corrupt, before turning the rest over to the treasury. I agree no arm of the government that deals with money, especially the one producing all our money should be without oversight. This includes periodic audits.

  8. I like Alex’s show, but come on! The founder of Reagan economics?What he had to say was so unique that he had to be on? They had no idea that this kind of thing would be going on 25 years later? BULLSHIT!! And ***** HIM!!!

  9. the creation of a one world nation has been a dream since the time of sir francis bacon and dr. john dee. (17th century) 25 years? c’mon old man- wake up.

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