17 thoughts on “Paul Dorneanu on Alex Jones Tv (HD) 1/3:Report on Bilderberg 2009 & Obama’s Civilian Youth Brigade”

  1. All officers world wide need to re-evaluate their standings…WHO AM I PROTECTING..WHO DO I WORK FOR?

  2. Well that’s explainable. Now that the public awareness about BG is raised, continuing silencing the media will result in ppl getting their info from sources like AJ, which means it’s out of control. So they’ll make it more public, but since it’s controlled media, it will give more positive picture. They may even give this thing up, or keep it just to keep conspiracy folk distracted, themselves meeting like it should be done in 21 century – through private web conferences ;).

  3. That was city year ‘s uniform. Are you saying a bunch of middle school kids are fascists?

  4. Alex Jones spouts out a thousand assertions every day, and then champions the ones he gets right.

  5. check out EndTimesMinistry – you can google them… they mostly revolve around Israel, but they do have other stuff.

  6. WELCOME BACK ALEX J!!!!! They just beat another black man down… Obama is turning blacks against blacks, just like you said he would do, Alex J…

  7. BE AWARE! BEWARE! Alex Jones is working for the NSA as a double agent. His mission, OPERATION ROUNDUP (OP – UP) RE-NAMED OPERATION WEED CONTROL (OWC), is to identify subversive elements domestically and internationally to catalog them for roundup. Viewers of these videos, as well as those who produce unauthorized (OUT OF OPERATION) videos, are listed and catagorized. BE AWARE! BEWARE!

  8. yes actually, the government indoctrination centers (public school system) are scientifically designed to mold their young minds.

  9. Almost everything he’s ever said came true and is true, because he only goes on facts. That’s why Alex Jones is on our side.

  10. Alex is back! Is there anyone else who even comes close to informing us about the NWO? (besides Jason).

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