We are taking our country back.
Paul Nehlen is a Conservative Christian who understands what we are up against – a swamp deeply embedded with leaders who DO NOT have our best interests at heart. He understand the “refugee” issue we are facing and the threat posed by open borders.
Paul Nehlen is taking on Paul Ryan and has a great chance in unseating him in the mid-term elections. A man of character, integrity and tenacity, Mr. Nehlen explains his position and what we can do to really take our country back.
Mr. Nehlen is also the author of Wage the Battle (Hardcover) and the DVD Hijrah – Radical Islam’s Global Invasion.
Paul Nehlen’s website: http://paulnehlen.com/official-website/
UNSEAT Globalist/RINO Paul Ryan: http://www.electnehlen.com
SPECIAL WND/HAGMANN OFFER: Get Paul’s book/DVD HERE: http://superstore.wnd.com/Wage-the-Battle-Hardcover-and-Hijrah-Film-bundle.
Follow Paul Nehlen on Twitter: @pnehlen
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