Paul Ryan Double Crosses Trump, Helps FBI Democrats Take Donald Down

Paul Ryan Double-Crosses Trump, Helps FBI Democrats Take Donald Down

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Both Paul Ryan and Trey Gowdy will be retiring shortly, and have nothing left to lose. This makes them even more dangerous than they’ve been in the past to Republicans. Both have a tumultuous history within the GOP, and neither politician endorsed President Trump in the primaries

They have no loyalty to him, nor to the American people they claim to serve.

Gowdy’s investigation into Hillary provided nothing more than good sound bytes. Nothing was ever done to follow up on the criminal activity that Gowdy’s investigation uncovered.

Now more illegally activity has been uncovered regarding the Democrats, and once again, Gowdy is doing nothing. After it was revealed that the FBI planted a spy on Trump’s campaign, Gowdy downplayed the whole affair, claiming it’s all merely semantics.

“That is not a term I’ve ever used in the criminal justice system. I’ve never heard the term ‘spy’ used. Undercover informant, confidential informant, those are all words I’m familiar with. I’ve never heard the term ‘spy’ used,” Gowdy stated.
Gowdy has also said that he is convinced the FBI did the right thing by planting an informant, because the FBI claimed that Trump was not the target of their investigation.

Now it appears Paul Ryan is also siding with the FBI over the President.

From The Hill:

Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) on Wednesday pushed back against President Trump’s “spygate” claims, siding with Rep. Trey Gowdy’s (R-S.C.) defense of the FBI’s investigation into Trump’s campaign and Russia.

“Chairman Gowdy’s initial assessment is accurate, but we have more digging to do,” Ryan told reporters during his weekly news conference.

While both Ryan and Gowdy received a closed-door briefing on the bureau’s use of an informant in the investigation, there is still an outstanding request to view the underlying documents to support the briefing.

Paul Ryan may have no loyalty to the President, but he certainly has loyalty to Gowdy.

Gowdy has defended Ryan multiple times in the past, such as when the Democrats wanted to blame Ryan for failing to fund security at the consulate in Benghazi when he was House Budget Chairman.

At the time Gowdy said, “I know that it is popular and trendy to blame [House Budget Chairman] Paul Ryan for everything. Regrettably, the facts just don’t support it with respect to Benghazi.”

Regardless of whether Trump was the primary focus of the FBI’s use of an “informant” on his campaign, the fact remains that it was Trump’s campaign that they were attempting to infiltrate. The FBI can claim that they were targeting the scope of Russia’s influence on the election, but they still had eyes on the President while doing so.

The sooner this expensive witch hunt ends and Ryan and Gowdy retire, the sooner we can get back to making America great.