Paul Ryan, GOP Establishment Look to Fulfill Koch Brothers’ Wage-Crushing Amnesty Dreams Ahead of Midterms
House Speaker Paul Ryan and the Republican establishment are considering an amnesty plan for illegal aliens that is nearly identical to a plan being pushed by the billionaire GOP megadonors the Koch brothers.
Ryan, the GOP establishment, and the Koch brothers are looking to make the 2018 midterm elections primarily a referendum on tax cuts, rather than President Trump’s popular pro-American immigration reform agenda that would boost American workers’ wages
The Republican establishment is weighing a plan with Democrats whereby millions of illegal aliens who are eligible and enrolled in the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program are given amnesty in exchange for a small amount of border security funding, Reuters reports.
Ryan’s spokesperson told Reuters, “We continue to work to find the support for a solution that addresses both border security and DACA.”
The border security that would be granted to Trump in exchange for the DACA amnesty would not be specifically the funding needed to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.
Trump’s earlier compromise plan — that both the Republican establishment and Democrats rejected — would have only allowed the nearly 800,000 DACA-enrolled illegal aliens to remain in exchange for a major reduction in legal immigration levels to boost Americans’ wages.
For example, Trump’s original plan would have ended the process known as “chain migration,” whereby newly naturalized citizens can bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the U.S. Additionally, the plan would have ended the Diversity Visa Lottery, whereby more than 50,000 random foreign nationals are imported to the U.S. and authorized the full funding for a border wall on the southern border.
Both the Diversity Visa Lottery and chain migration remain incredibly unpopular with American voters, with 80 percent of Americans wanting merit-based immigration, as Trump has promoted.
The Koch brothers, like the GOP establishment, said they could not support any immigration compromise that reduced legal immigration to boost U.S. wages, as Breitbart News reported.
Most significantly, the amnesty-for-border security plan is about the exact legislation that the billionaire Koch brothers have recently lobbied for on Capitol Hill. The Kochs’ latest seven-figure ad campaign demands the Republican-controlled Congress pass an amnesty that gives mere “border security” in exchange.
Such a plan would have a detrimental impact on American workers just ahead of the 2018 midterm elections, where Republican turnout is already expected to be depressed following a year and half of the GOP not funding Trump’s border wall and failing to back a plan that reduces the current inflow of illegal and legal immigration to the U.S.
Trump’s increased border and interior enforcement have secured historic wage increases for manufacturing employees working overtime, along with history-making wage growth for American workers in the construction industry, the garment industry, for workers employed at small businesses, black Americans, and restaurant workers.
The GOP, though, has been unwilling to use Trump’s popular immigration-reducing initiative to gain support in the 2018 midterm. Instead, Republicans are largely set to campaign on tax cuts, entitlement reform, and free trade.
Currently, the U.S. admits more than 1.5 million legal and illegal immigrants every year, with more than 70 percent coming to the country through chain migration. In the next 20 years, the current U.S. legal immigration system is on track to import roughly 15 million new foreign-born voters. Between seven and eight million of those foreign-born voters will arrive in the U.S. through chain migration.H