Paul Ryan Losing His Job? Latest Announcement Brings Him To His Knees

Paul Ryan Losing His Job? Latest Announcement Brings Him To His Knees

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We have seen a great divide since then-candidate Donald Trump became the Republican nominee for president. As most hard-working Americans supported and voted in a Trump presidency, there were certain public officeholders of the Republican persuasion that were doing their best to pretend that Donald Trump didn’t exist.

Well, now that President Trump is in office, working for the people, the same Republican-in-name-only (RINO) officeholders are truly showing their colors by doing their very level best to stop the president at all costs.

And what will it cost them? Well, for Speaker Paul Ryan, it may very well in fact cost him his job. A Republican challenger has announced his candidacy for Paul Ryan’s congressional seat in Wisconsin. And candidate Paul Nehlen is a Trump supporter that plans to help the president all that he can, as opposed to Ryan.

From Breitbart:

Paul Nehlen, a Republican businessman from Wisconsin’s first congressional district, has just launched his 2018 congressional campaign against the anti-Donald Trump House Speaker Paul Ryan.

This is the second time Nehlen is challenging Ryan, after coming up short in the 2016 GOP primary in Wisconsin’s first congressional district.

“Speaker Ryan didn’t help Mr. Trump defeat Hillary Clinton, and even pledged not to defend the president,” Nehlen said in his announcement. “But I have a message for Speaker Ryan: The American people are not done fighting for President Trump’s good agenda. That’s why I am announcing my second challenge to Paul Ryan for the nomination in Wisconsin’s first congressional district.”

Nehlen’s comment refers to audio unearthed by Breitbart News of Ryan during a conference call with House GOP members in which he not only abandoned now-President Donald Trump during the most crucial month of October of the 2016 presidential campaign but pledged to never defend the president again.
“I am not going to defend Donald Trump—not now, not in the future,” Ryan said in the audio of the conference call with House GOP colleagues, which came after the Access Hollywood tape of Trump emerged. Ryan’s comments were notable because he did not say he specifically would not defend Trump on the Access Hollywood tape. His comments meant he would not defend the man who is now president of the United States on anything.

Ryan refused to campaign with President Trump at all until the end of the campaign, but did appear with now-Vice President Mike Pence.

At the time, Ryan spokesman Brendan Buck said things have changed since Trump won the election.

“The world is well aware of this history,” Buck said of the audio tape of Ryan throwing Trump under the bus.

“And obviously a lot has happened since then. As everyone knows,” Buck also said, adding in a third comment that “of course they were” when asked if these comments were specifically about the Access Hollywood tapes, even though Ryan did not qualify his abandonment of Trump in the conference call.

“This was in response to that, but as everyone knows, they came together toward the end of the campaign and the Speaker vocally supported him and even campaigned with Pence,” Buck said.

Even since the leaked tape, we have seen Ryan’s inability to work with the president – he stalled and gave us an Obamacare repeal package that is lacking – and he’s now stalling on a tax plan to save Americans money.

People of Wisconsin, take note. Review what each candidate is going to do for the president, and vote accordingly.