It matches the exact description given in the report to Congress on November 14th.
It’s from this document:
“On USG networks , there exists FLIR footage of an irregularly shaped UAP flying across the southern border. THe UAP appeared in FLIR to be ‘mottled’ irregularly with hot/cold emissions and approximated a jellyfish or floating ‘brain’ with hanging appendages in appearance. The UAP flew against the wind with no visible means of propulsion, maintained an unnatural ‘rigidity’ in its movements and flight path, and maintained a comparatively low altitutde to geographic features. In appearance and behaviro, footage of this UAP violating the airspace of the southern border resembled the same class of UAPs obsed near DoD facilities in Iraq and Afghanistan (which I believe this footage is of). THere exists at least one compilation video of this clas of UAP, sourced from DoD force protection assets and Theater ISR, which uses this footage as a point of comparison.”