PETA Just Enraged Liberals By Making Trump Jr The New Face Of PETA Now They Want Him Deported!

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PETA Just Enraged Liberals By Making Trump Jr. The New Face Of PETA- Now They Want Him Deported!

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has chosen to target a member of the Trump family involving itself in the legal immigration debate by advocating for open borders. The organization known for extremism and terrorist-like behavior plans to run billboard ads near the U.S.-Mexico border calling for the deportation of the eldest son of President Donald Trump – Donald Trump, Jr.

According to PETA’s press release, the group takes issue with Trump Jr. due to his hunting hobby. The billboards will feature Trump Jr. holding a knife along with the tail of an elephant. The caption on the billboard reads – “Deport Callous Cheating Opportunists Now! All nations have their undesirables. Kindness welcome.”
PETA states in its press release –

While people are fleeing to the U.S. to escape violence, overprivileged, callous, cheating louts like Donald Trump Jr. are flying overseas to gun down living, feeling beings just for fun. PETA’s border ad is a reminder that kindness is a virtue and that the true “bad hombres” are those killing animals for some sort of pathetic “sport.”

The group intends to have the billboards posted in both El Paso and in Laredo, Texas. The announcement came just one day after President Trump signed an order to deploy National Guard troops to the border in an effort to stem the tide of the illegal invasion coming from Mexico and Central America into the United States. “Trump Jr. has a history of self-aggrandizement at the expense of wildlife in the U.S. and abroad,” the organization continued in the release.

PETA has long been critical of the Trump administration, yet combining outright falsehoods, deliberate misrepresentations, outright denials, and half-truths PETA desperately tried to defend its own history of supporting terrorism and terrorists. In 2009 PETA was classified as a terrorist threat by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and was the subject of an intensive investigation by the FBI. PETA is perhaps the most recognized organization in the animal rights movement. Known as one of the world’s largest, most aggressive, and most controversial animal liberation groups.

The group has become notorious for aggressive campaigns against any and all human use of animals, even as it is dogged by allegations of hypocrisy for killing thousands of pets at its headquarters in Norfolk, Virginia. PETA has faced substantial criticism for its operation of a kill animal shelter at its Norfolk, Virginia, headquarters that has killed 90 percent or more of the dogs and cats it has taken in in some years. PETA is also hostile to the “no-kill” animal shelter reform movement and has faced criticism for improperly taking pets and killing them.

Motivated by a radical and occasionally militant belief that (in the words of PETA co-founder and president Ingrid Newkirk) “a rat is a pig is a dog is a boy,” PETA campaigns against eating meat, wearing leather or fur, hunting and fishing, using animals in life-saving medical research, and drinking milk and producing other dairy products. Its tactics are extremist, designed for the principal purpose of attracting mainstream press attention.

Influence Watch reports on PETA’s exceptionally controversial history due to the group maintaining associations with violent radical extremists in the 1990s. PETA gave funds to the legal defense fund of animal liberation arsonist Rodney Coronado, to entities associated with the terrorist group Earth Liberation Front, and to other persons associated with alleged animal liberation extremist crimes.Ingrid Newkirk herself has stated, “I will be the last person to condemn” the extremist eco-terrorist Animal Liberation Front.
Consumer Freedom reports that PETA’s own tax returns filed with the IRS show a $1,500 gift to the terrorist Earth Liberation Front (ELF), a donation made after ELF activists had been convicted of various violent crimes. PETA has subsequently offered several conflicting justifications for that bit of insanity, but whatever the reason, they clearly funded illegal activities, since that is all ELF does.