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10 thoughts on “Peter Schiff: Stimulus Bill Will Lead to “Unmitigated Disaster””
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Its not for our own good, the Government has had control since the Federal Reserve was created. Socialism always failed, what we have to do is to have an actual capitalist economy. Because we have never had one since 1918. If the Government takes complete control then the same things that brought the U.S.S.R. down and what brought Cuba and N Korea to massive poverty and debt will happen to us.
I have been working on my garden and stocking up on ammo
i think it’s so funny that america is still hoping to get out of this cheap. the roosters have come home to roost. gadgets don’t make people happy. the american dream is a nightmare that forgot about people.
Does anyone else see that we need a society where money is not used to maneuver people this way? how about a money free society…any takers?
peter schiff was right about the bubble i trust this guy more than any of the bullshit were spoon fed from the media they were wrong thats how i see it
lol charles ponzi is a ******* genius, he helped bring this ***** society to an abrupt end more than anyone else
your a liar and a fraud. his portfolio is down slightly but only because he did not predict just how long other countries would allow the US to export our inflationary debt… but those foolish countries are hurting. look at Dubai, they stayed pegged to the $ and now they are paying for it, fools. China stopped buying long US Tnotes finally… but the loss of borrowing power of America is only just beginning to hit. Schiff is right about everything except he doesnt see the coming 1 world bank.
Peter Schiff is a liar and a fraud, nor can he put his money where his lying mouth is – his portfolio is down huge.
maybe the goal is for hyperinflation. then the government will take complete control of everything ‘for our own good’