Poll: Public Trusts Trump More Than Media – Do You Agree 100% With This?

Poll: Public Trusts Trump More Than Media – Do You Agree 100% With This?

The news for the news media keeps getting worse.

A new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll out Monday shows that while the public has low trust in the Trump administration, they trust the media even less.

Just 30 percent of Americans said they have a “great deal” or “good amount” of trust in the news media, the poll shows. That’s lower than the 37 percent of Americans who said the same about the Trump administration. The poll found that 37 percent of adults said they trust the media “not at all,” while another 31 percent said they have “not very much” trust in the news media.

Democrats trust the media far more than either Republicans or independents, the poll shows. While 56 percent of Democrats said they have a “great deal” or “good amount” of trust in the news media, just 28 percent of independents and nine percent of Republicans said the same.

Trust in media appears to be headed in the wrong direction.
The percentage of Americans who have a great deal or good amount of trust in the media dropped four points over the last four months, down from 34 percent when NPR ran the same poll in March. The drop in trust in the media follows a rough stretch for journalists, as reporters have botched several stories on the Trump administration in recent months. (RELATED: CNN’s Month-Long Nightmare)

Americans also have low trust in opinion polls, according to the latest NPR poll.

Just 35 percent of Americans said they have a “great deal” or “good amount” of trust in public opinion polls. That number isn’t particularly surprising, as reporting on polls heading into the 2016 election almost universally indicated that Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton would defeat Trump.
The institution that Americans have the least trust in, though, isn’t the media — it’s Congress. Just 29 percent of adults said they have a “great deal” or “good amount” of trust in Congress, while two-thirds of respondents said they trust Congress “not at all” or “not very much.”