President Trump Fires Back at Media After Hysteria Over Ivanka Taking His Seat — Hits Hillary Clinton as Well
First Daughter Ivanka Trump, an unpaid adviser to her father, President Donald Trump, created a media firestorm when she briefly took dad’s seat during a working meeting of top world leaders at the G-20 summit in Hamburg, Germany.
Members of the liberal media and others went into full meltdown mode — real or contrived. Frankly, it’s hard to tell, these days:
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the host of the summit, defended Ivanka’s brief seat at the table, saying “it was in line with what other delegations do.”
Nonetheless, the feeding frenzy continued.
Monday morning, being the proud father Donald Trump is — and also being Donald Trump — not only defended his daughter, but landed a strong shot at the Clintons and the media in the process:
Donald J. Trump:
When I left Conference Room for short meetings with Japan and other countries, I asked Ivanka to hold seat. Very standard. Angela M agrees!
Any “self-respecting” member of the liberal media would be denying his or her “progressive” stripes to claim otherwise, would they not?
Less than an hour later, Chelsea shot back:
Good morning Mr. President. It would never have occurred to my mother or my father to ask me. Were you giving our country away? Hoping not.
I’ll take this one.
Chelsea, have you not been aware of the near-constant adulation heaped on you by the liberal media? As was the case with your mother in 2008 — until Barack Obama came along — then again in 2016, they have all but anointed you as the next Clinton president. You know, that “Clinton dynasty” thing.
Anyway, as for “It never would’ve occurred to your mother to ask,” you most likely wouldn’t have been in a position to be asked; you probably would’ve been eyeball-deep in your work at the Clinton Foundation.