President Trump Kicks Off 2020 Campaign With Heart Stopping Welfare Announcement

President Trump Kicks Off 2020 Campaign With Heart-Stopping Welfare Announcement

The War on Poverty has been going on for over fifty years, and often it seems like poverty is winning.

Some people say the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.

Big government programs haven’t cured poverty; in fact, some argue, they’ve just made the problem worse. Isn’t it time we tried something different?

The ultimate goal of any welfare program should be to get people off of it.

But too often people become ensnared by dependency and lose the motivation to work for themselves when they can mooch off of those that do.
President Trump has always understood this, and has been instrumental in creating thousands of jobs that are allowing people to come off of welfare in astonishing numbers.

Trump isn’t even halfway through his first term and is already preparing for his next, by announcing just how successful his administration has been in curbing those on government dependency.

From Breitbart:

“President Trump’s re-election campaign released a statement Monday celebrating the decline of nearly 600,000 people using food stamps in one month.The campaign credited the data to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the government agency responsible for administering food stamp benefits through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).”

This news is sure to crush the leftists, who want people dependent on welfare so that they’ll keep voting in Democrats who will provide it.

The campaign went on to criticize Trump’s predecessor, stating that, “food stamp enrollment dramatically increased throughout the Obama administration.”

But, “the news from the USDA today demonstrates that President Trump’s economic policies are bringing hard-working Americans back into the workforce…”

This welfare reduction is also due in part to America’s crackdown on those who are able-bodied but are still attempting to get a free ride.

Last month we reported on how West Virginia voted on a measure that would require residents ages 18-49, who are not disabled, pregnant, or military veterans, and do not have dependent children, to work a minimum of 20 hours per week to receive food stamp benefits.

Now all Trump has to do is finish completing the wall, and we will take millions more off the taxpayer dole.

Tired of winning yet, America?