Presidential Assassination Plot Just Thwarted Last Night – Here’s What Was Seconds From Happening

Presidential Assassination Plot Just Thwarted Last Night – Here’s What Was Seconds From Happening

Liberals are on the loose this week, which picked up speed in the latter half when a lone gunman felt vindicated by opening fire on a congressional baseball practice. Other idiots were inspired by his would-be killing spree, which was all set in motion to get to the President of the United States, for the ultimate “win.” A group of leftist degenerates assassination plot was thwarted last night

A group of leftist degenerates’ assassination plot was thwarted last night when they made the mistake of not realizing their surroundings. Some protesters were nearby showing their support for Donald Trump in the aftermath of a series of attacks. As soon as they realized what was about to go down, the patriotic army of badasses rushed in and shocked everyone with what they did to thwart it, proving that real Americans are fed up with the rhetoric.
When an attempted killing of Congress members takes place, all other anti-president protests, or anything that could be considered a violent use of one’s First Amendment right, scheduled for the week should be postponed out of respect for the victims of that attack. Despite the fact that Representative Steve Scalise is still in the hospital recovering from a gunshot wound and three surgeries to repair his injured hip from it, the left knows no bounds and forged ahead with their Trump assassination play in New York’s Central Park.

“The Shakespeare in the Park rendition of Julius Caesar is still scheduled to play this weekend in Central Park after the shooting of GOP Rep. Scalise by a devout Bernie Sanders supporter,” the Gateway Pundit reported. “This year’s play ‘Julius Caesar’ depicts President Donald Trump’s assassination.”

Perhaps the intent to carry on the disrespectful show despite the recent terroristic events by an anti-Trump shooter was for a reaction, which they certainly received in a way they weren’t expecting but definitely deserved. A pro-Trump protester interrupted the show in rightful defense of our president and to show that conservatives have had enough, which didn’t go over well with all the liberals in attendance.

The protesters of this sick play rushed the stage in the middle of the show and began shouting, “Goebbels Would Be Proud!” “Laura Loomer from Rebel Media attended the performance and ruined the liberal fun, the Gateway Pundit added. “Laura rushed the stage and started screaming ‘Stop Leftist Violence!!’” This went on for over half a minute.
Sheriff Clarke caught wind of what these brave and fed-up patriots did and took to Twitter to call for physical resistance to defeat the left:

“Really? It’s not what I prefer but if the left insists…time to saddle up. I didn’t help get @realDonaldTrump elected to back down now,” Clarke said last night on social media. This was among a flurry of other messages calling for conservatives to start defening themselves and our president against the violent left.

“The New York Times and CNN’s parent company Time Warner are standing by their sponsorship of a play that depicts the brutal assassination of President Donald Trump, raising the question of whether the news reporting outlets should retain their credentials to cover and have access to President Trump, Gateway Pundit’s report added. Delta Airlines and Bank of America have reportedly dropped their support for the play in the wake of public outrage over the play’s depiction of Trump’s assassination.”

What the deceased ballpark shooter did on Wednesday morning awoken the conservative giant and something within each one of us. We now realize that people of this political party won’t play fair or reasonable, and will report to killing over political differences. This makes liberals and Democrats no different than terrorists and they are inciting a civil war with these reactions.

While the left seeks to dismantle the right and reclaim power, their destructive and divisive efforts have now backfired on them. The made their own set of rules and can now enjoy living by them. They’ve empowered the conservatives who are coming together with a resolve to take our country back from these lunatics and make it great again, now more than ever.

This is the “fruit” of what eight years under the most divisive and anti-American leader has created. It’s Barack Obama’s legacy and he’s laughing at the path of destruction he left behind as he jet sets off on another vacation.

It also comes from a socialist, liberal public and collegiate education system in this country. When you stop teaching correct American history, how the constitution was really written, accurate government and civics lessons, hen remove God from our schools on top of it – this is the direct result. Most of these protesters are operating as robots to what they were taught without a clue about our nation’s history or even who their elected officials in office are, or simply don’t care.