Question Your Reality (Alex Jones)

This video discusses the dangers of fluoride in our drinking water, and how it is responsible for a host of different medical problems – including cancer, brittle bone disease, immune deficiency, mental sedation, and even reduced IQ. This has all been known to the powers-that-be since the 1920’s. Despite the fact that fluoride has been shown to have no effect whatsoever in reducing dental problems, the powers-that-be insist on putting it in our tap water. Fluoride is a toxic industrial bi …

4 thoughts on “Question Your Reality (Alex Jones)”

  1. Their evil system is genius in a few of its ideas to control the people, like freedom of speech! If we were in China right now saying this stuff, we’d face the firing squad, but of course that would make people wonder if what we were saying was true, so now with freedom of speech, we can say what we want, but people think we’re tin foil hat nutjobs, so the human need to belong makes people not want to say it! It’s terribly brilliant.

  2. oh bullshit 50 bucks on that someone will leave some comment just becouse i dont agree on what hes saying as a spiecies do you relly think we are smarter than the elit, it will be nothing but religius freaks that will take over and then were back to square one

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