Rep Devin Nunes Reveals Deep State’s Plan For Midterm Elections, Trump Not Happy

Rep Devin Nunes Reveals Deep State’s Plan For Midterm Elections, Trump Not Happy

Representative Devin Nunes (R-CA) just revealed the corrupt Department of Justice and FBI’s plan for the midterm elections. It’s safe to say that President Donald Trump is not happy about this development. This will make your blood boil.

California Congressman Devin Nunes has been in the trenches of the battle with the deep state and the Democrats since Trump took office. Now, Nunes has a disturbing warning for America about how the Department of Justice and the FBI are working together for one goal as the midterm elections grow nearer.

During a recent interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News, Nunes revealed that the deep state hacks in the DOJ and the FBI continue to stall in handing over requested and even subpoenaed documents to Congress. Specifically, there are new text messages between the Trump-hating FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page which have not been turned over for review.
The sick display of disregard for Congressional oversight by the Justice Department and the federal law enforcement community is pretty scary. Hannity spoke with Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) and Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) during the interview to get the details of how Congress is again being strung along by the DOJ and the FBI.

First, Meadows weighed in. “Well, really what we do know Sean is that there is another traunch of Peter Strzok – Lisa Page text messages that actually have been vetted by the DOJ and we are just waiting on the inspector general to release those. He gave that release on Friday. We’ve been expecting those documents each and every day. As of tonight, as of right now we don’t have those. We have let our displeasure be known to the DOJ officials so hopefully we will receive those tomorrow,” Meadows said.

Nunes immediately jumped in and urged Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) to drop the hammer on the deep state hacks over at the DOJ and the FBI. “Let me start by saying, to Mark’s point, they need to enforce the subpoenas immediately, Mr. Gowdy and Mr. Goodlatte. The more that you wait over time I’ve learned that you just wait and you wait and you wait and pretty soon there will be an election,” Nunes said.
Rep. Devin Nunes also dropped a bomb on the deep state’s plan with Democrats that won’t help you sleep at night. “And I think that the Department of Justice and the FBI are banking on the Democrats taking over so that all these investigations can be shut down,” he said.

In my opinion, it will cause a constitutional crisis if the DOJ and FBI are never held accountable for their corrupt acts during the 2016 presidential election. The only reason that major players are not already behind bars is that the victims, in this case, include President Donald Trump and his supporters. If it were Democrats who were on the receiving end of such a huge political hit-job, we would see heads rolling every day. This is just more proof that discrimination and persecution don’t matter when the victims are conservatives.
According to Breitbart, this isn’t the first time this month that Nunes has threatened government officials with impeachment. During an interview on Tuesday, April 10, 2018, on Fox News Channel’s The Ingraham Angle, with Laura Ingraham, Nunes said, “I can tell you, we’re not just going to hold in contempt,” he said. “We will have a plan to hold in contempt and to impeach.”

Nunes then hammered the FBI and the DOJ for having started the Russian investigation at all. “We have not seen any five eyes intelligence any credible intelligence that started this investigation. It’s why we’re investigating the State Department for a number of reasons,” Nunes added.

Nunes then urged Congress to use subpoenas, charges of contempt, and even impeachment to secure the withheld evidence from the DOJ and the FBI. Nunes also pressed President Trump to use his power as the head of our government to force the DOJ and FBI to act lawfully and cooperate with Congress.
The bottom line here is that President Donald Trump needs to fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Our country has real challenges and real problems to deal with. This infighting has been allowed to go on for far too long. The President and Congress need to act in order to keep the deep state from achieving their plan to avoid justice.