Report Internet Giant Has The Power To Swing 2018 Elections For The Democrats

Report Internet Giant Has The Power To Swing 2018 Elections For The Democrats

Plenty of attention has been given to big Internet companies, and for frightening good reasons.

Major platforms control much of what you see online.

Oh, and of course internet companies, mostly based in California’s Silicon Valley, are known to lean far to the Left.

If you spend all your time on a specific social network, you’ll only see what that network promotes. Perhaps that website doesn’t like an issue—like gun rights. Ads, articles, and suggestions will focus on gun control.

Sounds scary, doesn’t it? Big Internet companies wield incredible power if we let them. A new study conducted by an independent firm has discovered something very suspicious about one platform.
In short: they can alter the course of elections.

From Breitbart:

By inserting negative search suggestions under the name of a candidate, search engines like Google can shift the opinions of undecided voters by up to 43.4 percent, according to new research by a team at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology and reported exclusively by Breitbart News…

The voting preferences of participants who saw no search suggestions shifted toward the favored candidate by 37.1%. The voting preferences of participants in the search suggestion groups who saw only positive search suggestions shifted similarly (35.6%). However, the voting preferences of participants who saw three positive search suggestions and one negative search suggestion barely shifted (1.8%); this occurred because the negative search suggestion attracted more than 40% of the clicks (negativity bias). In other words, a single negative search suggestion can impact opinions dramatically. Participants who were shown four negative suggestions (and no positives) shifted away from the candidate shown in the search bar (-43.4%).

The researchers conclude that by using this method of manipulation, search engines can shift a “50/50 split split among people who are undecided on an issue to a 90/10 split without people’s awareness and without leaving a paper trail for authorities to follow.”

This study doesn’t prove Google is, in fact, doing this. But we do know that in 2016, they were hiding negative articles about Hillary Clinton. We’ve also seen social networks like Facebook and Twitter shadow ban and oppress conservative users over the last year. It’s clear the liberals who run Silicon Valley want to control our democracy.

Unless there’s significant legislation, nothing will change. As private businesses, Google and the others can do what they please. You simply assume they are being honest about what they show you. But we know otherwise. The Socialists that run these platforms hate the President and conservatives.

They will do whatever they can to silence us. The only solution is to find alternatives to their services and encourage others to do so.

But will that be enough? Or are too many Americans accustomed to Google’s search engine?