Reporter Dave Jordan on Alex Jones Tv with Jason Bermas 1/2:The Latest on The EMT Attack by Police

Reporter Dave Jordan Reports on A scuffle That broke between two highway patrol officers and an EMT was captured on video after the police pulled over an ambulance on route to the hospital with a patient on board.Mr. Jordan gives us the Latest update on this Police State event.

9 thoughts on “Reporter Dave Jordan on Alex Jones Tv with Jason Bermas 1/2:The Latest on The EMT Attack by Police”

  1. If you were the son and the mom was in a more serious state, would you be justified to punch out or hit the cop unconcious? They just were not listening. I usually side with cops but this is just absurd.

  2. i heard that the emt was fired, we have to do something, there is something we can do, please answer.

  3. haha thats right.
    In columbia there’s jails that are run by the cartels. Put corrupt cops in a jail and let the bloods or crips or whatever run it.

  4. The jails that other cops like them run. Oh how wonderful. True justice.

  5. The police only had their lights on, not their sirens, so how would the ambulance driver hear the police officer, so he could yield?

    I also think the police needed to prioritize. Minor traffic violation vs. Dying Patient…why didnt the police just let them go.

  6. The Police across this nation are declaring war against the American people. America WAKE UP!

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