Republicans Reveal Plan To Use Hillary Clinton, And She’s Not Going To Like It

Republicans Reveal Plan To Use Hillary Clinton, And She’s Not Going To Like It

The midterm elections are this November and both parties are starting to worry.

These elections can dramatically alter the way Congress looks; while the liberal-controlled media prophecies a Blue victory (for some reason), the reality is, Democrats are terrified.

Polls are bouncing back and forth. Liberals keep making the news, but for very bad reasons, so the November elections might be a bloodbath for the leftists.

Even so, the GOP is taking no chances.

They are going to remind America just what kind of fate they missed by electing Donald Trump, so in many states, you’ll be seeing a familiar face…a scary, familiar face.

That’s right, Hillary Clinton will make a regular appearance—in ads for Republicans! Boy, that has to really steam her clams, doesn’t it?

From The Daily Caller:

“The Republican plan for the 2018 midterms is not good news for failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Fox News reports that Hillary is ‘starring’ in their strategy.
We’re going to make them own her,’ Republican National Committee spokesman Rick Gorka told Fox News.

Republicans are planning to marry Democrats to Hillary Clinton and force the party to be associated with their failed nominee.

‘I promise you that you’ll continue to see it — Hillary Clinton starring in our paid media. She’s a very powerful motivator,’ Corry Bliss of the Congressional Leadership Fund super PAC told Fox News.

‘It’s about what she represents. What she represents, just like what Nancy Pelosi represents, is out-of-touch far-left liberal positions.‘”

Why will this be a great strategy? Because even though she lost two years ago, Clinton can’t stop talking about it.

In a recent talk, she claimed people who voted for Trump were backwards, while optimistic, diverse, and dynamic people voted for her. Sure, alienate most of America some more, lady.
By the way, optimistic, diverse, and dynamic is code for “illegal aliens.” Clinton lost by a massive margin, especially when you break it down county by country. The only places she won are filled with liberal elitists and “undocumented” non-voters.

Democrats have recently tried to distance themselves from Crooked Hillary, because she’s an anchor that drags the entire party down. Her views are radically left-wing and few voters resonate with her blame game tactics.

So, this GoP tactic is going to work. Voters will be reminded that the Democrats are the party of Clinton; she hasn’t gone away and they haven’t changed.

Although, I’d recommend focusing plenty on Donald Trump. After all, he’s the one we picked instead of Clinton and considering the successes he’s had over the last two years, the GOP would be idiots not to utilize his power.