Response: Mars Civilization:Evidence By European Space Age

Life Evidence, Richard Hoagland, Ancient Civilization, Hindu Vimana, Hindu Swastika, Swastika, Lost Civilizations, Ancient History, Alien Visitation, Face Monument, Head Monument, UFO Evidence,Mars Anomalies,Structures on Mars,Buildings on Mars,Statues on Mars,Ancient Astronauts,Ancient Aircraft,Vimana Aircraft,Alien Earth Colonies,New World Order,The Secret Government,The X-Files,Pyramids on Mars,Area 51 and Aliens,Nephilim and Mars,NIBIRU,Evidence of Life on Mars,Evidence of Alien Life,Alien …

20 thoughts on “Response: Mars Civilization:Evidence By European Space Age”

  1. Thanks for video, very nice.
    My opinion: Let’s not waste our time getting mad at NASA or JPL, all this info will leak out eventually. My concern is, what wiped out Mars? If we start bringing back samples with microbes in them. This could lead to the End of Earth. Aliens don’t have show up in flying saucers w/ ray guns. Man will cut his own throat ??

  2. Lol this is so stupid. You see whay you want to see, the black things isnt doors or eyes, its shadows. And those geometric shapes in the bottom is just something a computer does when you got a huge picture you make smaller, it makes the picture in bad quality and you will see things like that in the picture when you zoom in. I have worked with pictures for years and knows that.

  3. This guys a building contractor. translation:He’s a thief who spends his days swindling homeowners out of their hard earned cash,and his nights are wasted searching YouTube for “alien technology on mars” this time in the form of legos which as he just mentioned were smudged out of the video.His wife on the otherhand is out at the clubs riding a black mans ***** the size of a dump truck, and when this guys isn’t drinking himself to sleep he logs onto YouTube searching for intelligence.
    No Thanks.

  4. Hello!
    The existence of regular structures in the image of ESA is obvious. The problem is that they are TOO regular to be accepted as a product of Mars civilization. But they can be perfectly accepted as a product of Earth civilization 😉 More precisely, as an artefact of the rendering procedure, used to create this 3D MODEL on the basis of a grid of denivelation data. Note how all these structures follow the perspective of the image!

  5. The other guy disabled comments for his vid. I’m glad you didn’t. That pyramid thing you were looking at was definitely a crater. the dark parts start high up and go down, indicating a cliff. the white in the middle is probably the asteroid that created that crater. There are alot of dust storms on mars, so those garbled up areas are probably how the dirt settled. or possibly was fragments of another asteroid hit that settled all over that area. thanks for counting our opinions.

  6. just downloaded the same pic but its not the same as yours i have no blured or out of focus stuff and the faces you can see are not on my pic!dont know wot to beleive???????????????are they coverin things up?who knows?????

  7. wow, someone who’s not a moron, getting sick of satan’s minions posting endless videos with “real ufo! no joke!” and stills turned into fake movies by posting lame sentences fading in and out between.

  8. I think you a right on the shadows and the faces But i disagree with you on the geometric shapes. Why is this the only picture that has these shapes and not others that have been taken of other locations. If you have been working with images for years you will know that they do not downsize the image into the shapes that are on the picture, eg, crosses within circles. would be strips, not circles, like google earth. Unless the mars express can manuver in orbit and can perform complete circles

  9. Yeasss…. Velly Intellesting…

    Gordon! Shouldnt you be in the test chamberrrr?

  10. Those are not buildings, It’s a map of the Western United States. Writings, Statues, and thousands of things, to many to mention.

  11. Hello Mars Fans!
    Using Photoshop, select the IMAGE tab and then using the ADJUSTMENT tab, INVERT the photo. Once you’ve done this, again select the ADJUSTMENT tab and select the PHOTO FILTER. Use the blue cooling filter and then select the BRIGHTNESS/CONTRAST tab under ADJUSTMENT and darken the photo. Now bring up the contrast, and Hello civilization!

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