Return of the Fallen Angeles

Earth and the Underworld. The best known of them were Asaru, Asarualim, Asarualimnunna, Asaruludu, En-Ki (Ea for the Akkadians), Namru, Namtillaku and Tutu. Some ‘ancient astronaut’ theorists such as Zecharia Sitchin (qv), Sherry Shriner, Laurence Gardner and David Icke claim that the Anunnaki were in fact extra-terrestrials who came to Earth in antiquity and created or tampered with the genetic makeup of primitive mankind. They propose various readings of the word, two of which are “anu-na …

5 thoughts on “Return of the Fallen Angeles”

  1. I did have dreams about giants and dragons terrorizing the earth like from the ancient times but it was in the future…

  2. ummm they are fallen..they never left so why are you saying the return ? lol..Hey the fallen angels are the pleiadians and all other alien and galactic family trying to decieve us.People better realize the battle for our souls has heated up big time.

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