Richard C.Hoagland on the Alex Jones Show:”Dark Mission” pt1

13 thoughts on “Richard C.Hoagland on the Alex Jones Show:”Dark Mission” pt1”

  1. OK, this host is as dumb as the author of the book. In the beginning he states that the government has been caught many times using advanced (read: alien, or something on that note) technology. Where is the proof?? Seriously??

    I believe in ET-life and presence, but wackos and pseudo-scientists that pollute the ufology field with unfounded claims just piss me off.

  2. Richard C. Hoagland is the biggest ******** dumbfuck snakeoil salesman FRAUD that ever drew breath.

    On & on & on he goes about ASTONISHING & AMAZING news coming.
    Then when he *does* say it, it’s the *exact* same BULLSHIT he *always* says — each & every ******** time.

    Yet people still buy his books.

    He said once NASA was gonna blow up the spaceshuttle in orbit & claim ETs did it so the New World Order global martial law could kick n.
    Yes — he REALLY said that. lol

    What a fucktard ….

  3. As soon as an authoritative government agency ie(nasa etc)starts to ‘cover things up’, hides pictures and lies, thats all the ‘PROOF’ you need! EXPLAIN THAT DUMB ****. So why do nasa choose not to release photos of mars?
    Hoagland is a expert in his fields what the ***** do you know. I’d sooner take his opinion that your sorry **** one! Go ***** your dad up his **** looser!!!

  4. Me neither BUT aint it GREAT!! these guys are not dummiesBUT i never knew Alex Jones was ever into anything like this–its really GREAT to know that more people are finally waking up to EVERYTHING that our OWN people have been hiding from us or trying to take away!! it needs to END!!

  5. Ok forget hanging up on one person, listen to the things that are provable instead of pointlessly bickering over the conentious stuff, open your ears and do a little research and youll see there is NO WAY we can trust the governments anymore, look at operation Northwoods, look at the disgusting war in Iraq, look at how Wernard Van Brauns discovery of a new energy was covered up, look athow they blew up one of their own ships to start the Vitnam war, seriously, this is not kool aid talking.

  6. The Hoaxland manouver:

    When you can’t furnish annoying things like “proof” to support your lame-brained hypotheses and wild-assed theories, blame it all on NASA.

  7. Richard C. Hoagland is a former space science museum curator; a former NASA consultant, and during the historic Apollo Missions to the Moon, was science adviser to Walter Cronkite and CBS News. Not exactly a pseudo-scientist.

  8. New York Times best seller…that says it all right there. yep little green men are coming to invade.These guys are lemmings. All these accusations and never a shred of evidence to back their claims up.Just like 911 conspiracy theorists. This guy must have not been promoted within NASA for him to be calling NASA liars, about what “they are not telling us” another malcontent. Screw Cronkite liberal shyster.

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