Richard C.Hoagland on the Alex Jones Show:”Dark Mission” pt6

11 thoughts on “Richard C.Hoagland on the Alex Jones Show:”Dark Mission” pt6”

  1. If the CIA guys wife is debriefing astronauts, there is no doubt she is CIA as well.

  2. Hoagland is still behind the curve & trying to catch up while making us believe he’s uncovering stuff that hasn’t already been exposed. He thinks he’s so out front in explaining the mystery, but he’s actually a Johnny-come-lately with talk about Nazis, NASA, mind control, anti-gravity, etc. He’s just co-opting what Bielek & Nichols have been saying for the last ten years but in less detail while giving us a pillow talk version of Icke, Swerdlow & Collier. Jones is such a blowhard.

  3. this was the story (about the memory wipes) I was hoping Hoagland would talk about…incredible. Great show.

  4. lol..that was good about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jole..I’m tired of the government lying to us. So sneaky. I know something is up soon with fake aliens trying to get us to do what they want. Sick..May they rot in HELL!!

  5. @kazalgeo i agree, richard is a bit longwinded at times. but, the trouble i think is alex really is only concerned in the NWO type stuff. But, if hoagland just talks about that, he has to remove a bunch of really good aspects that dont relate. so, hard to interview hoagland, if you have an angle your trying to achieve.

  6. i feel like jones is sitting there with his finger hovering over the advert button…TOSSER

  7. lol good analysis. Alex wants him to get to the juicy stuff, you can see it on his face.

  8. Hoagland likes to hear himself talk and Alex just wants the juicy parts so he can interject with his NWO rhetoric…brutal interview and interviewee

  9. I hope alex doenst skip over subjects like that in future interviews with Richard.

    Pretty annoying to be honest.

  10. my husband just said the same thing about alex skipping over stuff with richard i can see your point but to be fair Richard does have a tendency to waffel on a bit and digress from the initial point he is trying to make, Alex is just trying to cover as much relevent stuff as he can its the goddam comercials that really get in the way of things but lets all just be grateful we actually get to hear ***** like this before GOOGLE sell out and sell us all down the river cos this aint gonna last.

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