21 thoughts on “RIP George Carlin – Kids”

  1. lol, positive energy and negative energy as alternatives for heaven and hell. another set of bullshit for which there is no evidence. congrats.

  2. wtf are you going to every single one of his videos to talk your stupid *****………….ive seen you on his video for the one about him predicting 9/11 or some *****.

  3. It’s interesting how so many Christians portray George Carlin as a gluttonous man. He hardly led an extravagant life style.

    Besides, as Lenny Bruce once said, “Show me a Christian with more than one suit, and I’ll show you a hypocrite.”

  4. Lol, your one to talk. Your giving hate speech right now you ******** hypocrite.

  5. Why did this **** make so much money talking trash about religions when religions teach people how to behave? I’ll tell you why, because Satan’s spirit runs the show and his followers have turned the Earth into a dungheap. What a wonderful life this **** Carlin led, getting paid good money for HATE SPEECH !!! Wouldn’t it be great if I could make a career out of spouting racist comments (I’m no racist, BTW), I’d be in Heaven. Getting paid for puking up HATE SPEECH. Oh boy !!

  6. Oh shut up. Wasn’t it gods word to say “thou shalt love thy neighbor”…Just shut up. Carlins right anyway.

  7. This bit is a therapeutic antidote to all the ***** I hear on a daily basis at work… lots of single moms at my job incessantly gabbing about their gargoyles. I need to listen to this about once a week to maintain my sanity!

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  10. i can so relate to him. He says he cant be bothered with phone calls and people dropping by unexpectedly just like me. I dont even answer my ******** door when im not expecting anyone

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