Ron Paul on Alex Jones Tv (HD) 1/2:We The People are The Real Change!

Alex talks with Texas Rep. Ron Paul

29 thoughts on “Ron Paul on Alex Jones Tv (HD) 1/2:We The People are The Real Change!”

  1. And that your here listening to alex jones by your definition a sleaze balllicker by choice.

  2. Actually, the ruling class ARE faking global warming. The current warming cycle is:

    a) much cooler than the medieval warm period.
    b) directly tied to an increase in solar radiation (mercury, venus, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune and pluto all experienced “global warming” during this recent sunspot cycle — there’s no way to tie CO2 emissions into warming on OTHER planets.)
    c) last year, 2008, we actually had global cooling.

  3. Oh please you foolish person. Look around the PLANET! I guess we are the only stupid asses that god gives a ***** about? Wake UP!

  4. i fear that that the CIA ore other secret service take r paul out!

    remember Kennedy and his brother!

    Hope he make it to 2012!

  5. Ignorance. Ron Paul has said he believes in freedom of speech and that means all people in all venues. He went on “Marijuana Radio” a show with 3 stoners in their 20’s. And he’ll appear on top news shows. If you pick and choose who you talk to then your not truly open or libertarian.

  6. RP is right on track applying accountability to the federal reserve but he has way to much faith in the free market.
    His views on global warming are off. The ruling class is not faking global warming but they will take advantage of the crisis.

  7. ok whats to keep the “elite” from having plants to post these stupid comments to make it look like we ” constitutionalists” are a bunch of redneck morons. There are a few domestic terroristsut there but they are trying hard to make it seem like we are all out to blow up a building. The way the tea parties were ridiculed proves my point.

  8. Friends – The Fed gets audited annually by one of the big four accounting firms. It also is reviewed by the Office of the Inspector General and the General Accounting Office. The Fed’s structure, 12 Reserve Banks and a Board of Governors in D.C., is due to the populist movement at the time of its formation… the banks are spread all around the country to ensure that power is not concentrated in NY or DC. The Federal Reserve Act, which I suggest you Google, lays out its powers very clearly.

  9. yep,your point,you were asking about the beginning of this video not the bourne movies

    also if you know the end of the bourne movie how you not know

  10. If the climate is warming or not is not the point what is undeniable and significant is the fact that carbon emissions are not the cause. The previous replier was right when he said that all other planets have climate change just like us just google it. They are talking up the carbon emission nonsense for their own benefit.

  11. Im hoping ron paul is the start of the next revolution to this country. Ending the fed is going to be the best thing that has happened to this country in a long time.

    Live free or die, they wont have a plastic coffin for me in their fema camps.

  12. No I think he cares about all of are stupid asses, good or bad! But we stupid asses don’t care enough about GOD! But i am already AWAKE, sleep is the cousin of death! First off there is no such thing as religion!! GOD is omnipotent! We made GOD into a religious being! He is not tainted by human’s idea! Humans taint everthing they touch! In saying that the Bible is as close to a good record of the past mistakes as it can get! Yes people have been wicked with it.(Bible) But we don’t have to follow

  13. I really admire how Ron is such a nice and sincere guy. We might have different interests and lifestyle, but at the beginning and end of the day.. we respect each other as free humans.

    Good to see people of different ‘generations’ with a healthy head on their shoulders. Wish my relatives were more like Ron

  14. The fact that Ron Paul stoops to appear on Alex Jones’ show makes him a sleaze by association.

  15. what kind of noise comes out of ron pauls head at 9:42-9:46. Sounds like Alex clutched his nuts right quick while he was in mid sentence.

  16. While everyone is distracted by the pandemic hype they will lose all access to bankruptcy protection in a further bankster theft. We need a viable press not corporate machinery that diseminates pravda. We are continuously blind sided because
    we lack a informed opinion. We need to start there.

  17. Turtles that fly, birds that drive volvos and ron paul having one single relevant idea about economics. He is amazingly horrid. He has been the gnome of doom for decades. In a free market with ups and downs a college graduate with the economics education of an imbecile can be right part of the time. Rp is the imbecile of the hour. The market will improve and rp will be relegated to the scrap heap of shisters and conmen. Lol *** 1207 an obgyn auditing the fed. Lol

  18. Do you know the golden rule?

    It’s “who has the gold makes the rules”.

    But if we choose so gold has no monetary value. If you’re in the desert without water you will take 1kg of water than 1kg of gold.
    I have the solution to all of these problems…ok….here goes:
    1 bank per country, every citizen owns maximum of 1 share of that bank. Bank continues to do business as usual but the dividens would be payed to the people. And the bank would not take Interest from the shareholders/people.

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