Ron Paul on Alex Jones Tv (HD) 2/2:We The People are The Real Change!

Alex talks with Texas Rep. Ron Paul

23 thoughts on “Ron Paul on Alex Jones Tv (HD) 2/2:We The People are The Real Change!”

  1. Same bullshit in my family over all the CCTV cameras (1 for every 3 people here in the UK). They said – it’s not a problem, I’m not doing anything wrong.


  2. On the subject of loosing liberties, one of my co-workers has no problem at all with people in England being restricted on taking pictures in public!! I asked him, what if they do the same here? His reply was “If it makes us safer I’m all for it!”

  3. he sounded meloncholy when he said about getting in his car dont know if that was intentional. he has always sounds a genuine princpled guy to me. peace to him.

  4. Ask him if they wanted to take him to a “camp” on a bus to make him safer if he would.

  5. Yeah, I figured! LOL I don’t know why the monitors don’t like my Chemtrail comments–I GOT THEM FROM MY LOCAL NEWSPAPER!!! Seems everybody now read about this geo-engineering from their papers! “Pollution particles” sprayed by JET ENGINES, causing severe DROUGHT! I see them spray at nights, too…I guess they think the moon’s rays are heating up the planet, too!

  6. It’s strange, other videos have comment rankings, but Alex Jones’ videos never do. Since I’ve awaken, I’m seeing more and more odd things that I did not notice or think of before. It’s great to have my eyes wide open. It looks like net censorship is coming sooner than later. One of my correspondents advised that their military friends no longer have access to search engines. Wonder what’s up with that!!

  7. im not gonna give up my liberty for no one ***** the nwo right in the ear

  8. We have been cooling since 1998 per Dr Patrick Michaels (climatologist) and may be entering a mini ice age.

  9. RON PAUL for President!! I’ve never disagreed with anything he has ever said. He’s also blown me away with some issues. He’s progressive, intelligent AND importantly, not in the league of the devil (the Global Elite/Illuminati/NWO). He’s as close to perfect a presidential candidate as could ever be. I’d become politically active if he ran next time. Because right now, all democrat and republican candidates are puppets of the Global Elite. Only someone like Ron Paul can start a revolution.

  10. Ron Paul’s writing a book titled “End the Fed”

    Everyone needs to buy this book!!

  11. I am thankful to Ron Paul for helping me to understand that the more informed I am the more powerful I become! This is what makes him GREAT to me!

    I am also thankful to Alex Jones for doing such a GREAT job at his effort in trying to wake people up! Maybe he needs a megaphone strapped to an alarm clock!

  12. i fear that that the CIA ore other secret service take r paul out!

    remember Kennedy and his brother!

    Hope he make it to 2012!

  13. I sure have fun making up stuff on this program…You all have fun out here cause I sure do… Freedom of speech ….

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