RUBYSTABLETALK MIRROR I come when many know not

playlist Time is shorter than you think! If you are running around playing and skipping thinking you have all the time in the world your time is up! Yesu said we must be born again and be baptized by water and by the spirit.: “”Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he c John 3:1-13 cannot see the kingdom of God.”, “……., I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. We all have pet sins every one of us. We need to now let go of them now is the time for I have been shown what is ahead of us in a short time to come I for one do not want to be left behind. Make your self ready today and do not be cut short. There is not a big sin or a little sin sin is sin. Let us purge it out today. Ruby AFTER COLLAPSE