Rush Limbaugh Rips “Crying Jim Acosta” With 1 POWERFUL Message!
CNN’s Jim Acosta is a complete and utter joke, lately he has become truly pathetic as he relentlessly whines about the treatment of the fake news media by the White House.
“Crying Jim” is now receiving flack from pretty much anyone and everyone for his childish tantrums.
Hannity, Sean Spicer and now Rush Limbaugh have all slammed him recently.
Rush said that Acosta is “chasing the red laser pointer” with his rants against the White House communications team, and that clearly “The Trump White House owns CNN now.”
From The Daily Caller
Limbaugh started the segment by praising Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
“Sarah Huckabee Sanders did the briefing. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, like Trump, is fearless. She cannot be intimidated,” Limbaugh asserted.
“And, boy, did they try yesterday. She opened up with a statement about the CNN story that had to be declined, deleted, and canceled, and the three people were fired.”
Then, he slammed CNN’s Jim Acosta, who has taken to TV and Twitter to express his displeasure with the recent off-camera press briefings. Limbaugh compared Acosta to a little kitten that chases around a laser pointer.
“Our old buddy little Jim Acosta who’s chasing the red laser pointer around and bumping into walls and sofas, he tweeted later, ‘This is just unreal. They called on conservatives. They call on conservatives and they won’t call on us. And they call us fake news. Is this America? Is this the Constitution?’ Just losing his mind.”
“The Trump White House owns CNN now,” Limbaugh concluded.