School Has Brutal Reply After Muslim Issues Threat Over Daughter’s Lunch
One thing that’s never made sense is why Muslims (as well as other bitter America haters) migrate to the United States to live a “better life” only to complain incessantly about our culture once they’re here. If you don’t like it here, go back!
An Arizona school is putting a demanding Muslim mom in her place. The mother is considering suing the school for serving her daughter pork. The lunch lady flat-out told the mother to deal with it! If she doesn’t like it–tough!
Everything started when the mom asked Holaway Elementary School to make accommodations for her second-grade daughter, according to Tucson News Now. Although the school isn’t required to serve alternative menus for religious reasons, they did anyway.
Everything was fine until the mother flipped out over the tiniest thing, which she turned into a massive storm of OUTRAGE: the school had served her daughter a bacon cheeseburger! Oh no! Bacon! The humanity!
When this crazed Muslim mom learned her daughter was served bacon she exploded! She took to the school to vent her frustration. That’s when the lunch lady replied with the kind of common sense that’s rare these days:
“Too bad. Just pick it off.” What an ingenious solution. You’re Muslim and can’t eat pork. The cafeteria slips a couple of slices of bacon on a burger. Who would have thought you could simply remove the bacon and eat the rest of the burger?
But apparently, that’s too much of a hassle for this mother. She made a big fuss. And her tirade didn’t stop there. Just a short while later, the daughter came home with a cereal bar from school. You’d think that would be okay. How can a cereal bar be offensive?
Of course, these people always find something to make a fuss over. It turns out the cereal bar contained gelatin, which is a byproduct of pork. The mom exploded and is now even thinking about suing. Over a CEREAL BAR!
When word got out about this situation, the school put out a statement stating the obvious: the menus are posted online for parents to review. If the ingredients don’t align with what they want their kids to eat, the parents can simply choose the option of sending their child to school with a bagged lunch! A packed lunch? That’s revolutionary!
That could be too much for the mom to handle. She’s determined to make the entire school bow down to the needs of her child. And she’s employing Leftist tactics by playing the perfect “victim.” Her description of the school administration attempts to paint them as racists when they were just patient folks trying to do their job properly.
“The principal had said because she didn’t wear the traditional clothes and because she’s just a white girl that was going there she didn’t fit that normal stereotype of being Muslim – so it wasn’t obvious for them to follow the guidelines for her,” Tuscon News Nowreported.
It’s just common sense. How are the workers in the cafeteria supposed to know the girl’s Muslim if no one tells them? Are they supposed to read minds?
The United States has always had a large population of Jewish kids who also don’t eat pork. Do they go around making a big deal about it? These Muslim migrants think the whole world revolves around them.
News flash: If you move to this country, it’s up to you to fit into our ways and customs. Don’t like it? You’re free to leave. Sure you’ll live in an oppressed terrorist wasteland. But you won’t be in danger of accidentally eating pork!
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