School Principal Allows Muslim Refugee To Rape 16 Girls For Disturbing Reason
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This is what you get when the so-called Religion of Peace comes to your country. This time it’s Sweden.
Sweden was once a prime example of “Open Mindedness” and “liberalism.” But today they are a symbol of another thing. A symbol of how a culture can be so naive and stupid that it has committed suicide. They have let in every Muslim Refugee they can find because you know, they don’t want to be bigots or racists.
As a result of this, women and children are being sexually assaulted and raped at an unprecedented rate while Scumbag Liberal officials look the other way and go as far as telling these poor women and girls that if they have to get raped it’s best to get raped by a refugee. Huh? What kind of asinine reasoning is that?
In the latest example of how the Religion of Peace is peaceful. 16 girls at a local school have reported being sexually harassed and abused by Muslim refugees who attend the same school. But when these girls told the administration they were outrageously labeled as racists.
Adult Muslim refugee men often lie about their ages by telling officials that they’re young teenagers instead of the truth that they are indeed men as old as in their 40’s. Just so they can go to school with young girls who are easy prey. But meanwhile, in the United States, Liberals try to convince us that the real predators are white college aged men.
Front Page Mag Reports:
As a result of this, women and children are being sexually assaulted and raped at an unprecedented rate while Scumbag Liberal officials look the other way and go as far as telling these poor women and girls that if they have to get raped it’s best to get raped by a refugee. Huh? What kind of asinine reasoning is that?
In the latest example of how the Religion of Peace is peaceful. 16 girls at a local school have reported being sexually harassed and abused by Muslim refugees who attend the same school. But when these girls told the administration they were outrageously labeled as racists.
Adult Muslim refugee men often lie about their ages by telling officials that they’re young teenagers instead of the truth that they are indeed men as old as in their 40’s. Just so they can go to school with young girls who are easy prey. But meanwhile, in the United States, Liberals try to convince us that the real predators are white college aged men.
Front Page Mag Reports:
After Muslim terrorist attacks, we’re told that the killers just “misunderstood” their religion. They misunderstood the peaceful nature of Koranic verses such as “Kill them wherever you find them”, “They should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides” and “Strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”.
But the misunderstandings of Islam are just getting started.
Not only are Americans and Europeans being murdered by Muslim terrorists due to these unfortunate misunderstandings, but European girls are being raped because of more misunderstandings.
The principal of Wilhelm-Diess-Gymnasium was concerned about his female students. So he sent a letter warning their parents that the Muslim refugees who had been put up next to the school gym “are marked by their own culture”. And now Germans were being “marked” by their culture.
Girls were told to wear “modest clothing” to avoid “misunderstandings”. But rape isn’t a “misunderstanding”. The only misunderstanding is the politically correct leftist idea that the rapist should be excused on account of his culture and religion.
The Koran states, “O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks all over their bodies that they may thus be distinguished and not molested.”