School Suspends Student For Trump T Shirt, Regret It When They See What’s Up His Sleeve

School Suspends Student For Trump T-Shirt, Regret It When They See What’s Up His Sleeve

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When a senior wore a pro-Trump t-shirt to an Oregon high school, officials immediately suspended him for its “offensive” message. However, instead of submitting to the tyrannical school, the clever student made them regret stifling free speech in the most brilliant way.

With each passing year, it becomes clearer that the public school system has been infiltrated with liberalism and that many officials have forsaken basic education for political indoctrination. As such, generations of neo-Marxists incapable of critical thought and dedicated to social justice activism are casting their votes on crucial political issues. Terrifyingly, free speech, the tenet upon which Western civilization was built, is under attack by those who are willing to sacrifice their basic human rights in favor of diversity.

Despite the increasingly popular socialist movement in the schools, there are still young people who recognize the disastrous outcome that follows the suppression of free speech — and they’re standing up against the fascist educators in a big way.
Earlier this semester, Liberty High School students were encouraged to share their views on immigration in the “People and Politics” class. Excited to engage in civil discourse on the critical issue facing the U.S., senior Addison Barnes decided to not only voice his opinion on the subject but also to express it in his manner of dress. When Barnes walked into class with a pro-border control shirt that read “Donald J. Trump Border Wall Construction Co.” and “The wall just got 10 feet taller,” he quickly realized that his “tolerant” liberal school officials weren’t as open-minded as they avow.

For sporting the “offensive” message, Barnes was told by Liberty High School assistant principal Amanda Ryan-Fear to cover up the shirt and return to class. Although he initially obeyed, Barnes concluded that his outfit’s message is protected by the First Amendment, prompting him to uncover the shirt.

Determined to silence the student, Ryan-Fear deployed a security guard to the classroom to remove Barnes and escort him to her office, giving him the option to once again cover up or leave the premises. It was then that Barnes stood up for his beliefs and peacefully left the school, which Ryan-Fear filed as a suspension. Unfortunately for the scornful assistant principal, Barnes was about to teach her an important U.S. history lesson.
According to local media outlet KOIN 6 news, Liberty High School senior Addison Barnes has filed a federal lawsuit against the school, claiming that the administration suppressed his right to free speech by forcing him to cover up his t-shirt and punishing him for refusing.

“If people are offended by his shirt – that’s their right to be offended,” Barnes’ attorney Mike McLane said. “But it’s also his right to have his opinion, as well. The constitutional line isn’t who’s offended. The constitutional line is there a specific and clear disturbance being created by the expression of the student’s political speech.”

Providing further evidence that the school not only violated Barnes’ right to free speech but also perpetuated political bias, McLane revealed that a teacher was allowed to erect a sign which read “Sanctuary City, Welcome Home” without any repercussion, Oregon Live reports.
“He has a right to free speech, just like liberals have the right to free speech,” McLane said.

According to Ryan-Fear’s Twitter posts, she is a pro-gun control, pro-diversity educator, which sheds lights on the reason for her administration’s repugnant reaction toward conservative students’ beliefs. Even more disturbing is that her biography on reveals her support for “equity,” which embodies the socialist fundamental of equal outcome for all instead of equal opportunity and merit-based reward.
Assistant principal Amanda Ryan-Fear and her cohorts have fostered an atmosphere that not only quashes conservative viewpoints but advances liberalism. What these overlords don’t realize is that this type of suppression only further motivates defenders of constitutional freedoms like Addison Barnes to fight against such abuse of power.

The education system is setting students and our nation up to fail by indoctrinating them with one set of views. Trusted educators encouraged students to have a discussion concerning a crucial political topic only to suppress one side in favor of another. Fortunately, this senior wasn’t versed solely on the subject of immigration but his inalienable rights as well. Incredibly, Barnes’ efforts prove that the student has officially become the master.