Shell Company SJW Has Targeted A Lionel Nation Video On #SethRich With A Bogus DMCA Copyright Claim

It seems, my friends, that I, yours truly, a fellow truth warrior and sentinel of verity, am the victim of an ostensible fraudulent copyright claim filed by what appears to be a sham/shell company called Tekoso Media, who appears to target anyone who speaks to the subject of Seth Rich’s murder and, more importantly, questions his assassination, of which it most certainly was.

Until YouTube reverses the strike or I sit out for three months as penalty, I am unable to join you for our daily Live Stream broadcasts. I have violated no copyright laws and have proceeded with the prescribed Counter Notification.

Here are the facts.

On July 6, 2017, a posted a YouTube live stream entitled “Lionel Nation Live Stream: The Media Ignore That Seth Rich Was Assassinated” was removed and is the subject of this action. It was live with chat room participants. No music, pictures, nothing but opinion and protected no copyrightable ideations. Later a claim was made that it violated copyright. It appears evident that what it involved as the subject matter, viz. Seth Rich’s assassination.

The Internet is replete with examples of this same alleged entity filing the same claims obviously fraudulently and contravention to law as I have listed infra. I am a licensed trial lawyer who will most assuredly address this in court of competent jurisdiction. I have begun the review process to have this strike removed but my YouTube stream and YouTube livelihood is being affected by this. I will unable to live stream until this matter is resolved, the strike is removed or a endure a “time out” of three (3) months. While I am in no way suggesting any individuals by name, I am nonetheless fascinated by the number of similar complaints and travails and the identical modi operandi.

I in no wise am accusing YouTube of any wrongdoing as I can certainly appreciate the daunting task of monitoring billions of individual videos, addressing legitimate copyright claims and meting out penalties where and when appropriate.

The following links may explain the situation a tad better.

A shell company targets @RamZPaul Video on #SethRich with fake DMCA claim

BUSTED: Pro-Assassination SJW Targets @RamZPaul Video on #SethRich With Fake DMCA Claim

This search proves most fascinating.

If you have been a victim of a similar fact pattern, please email me at and reference SETH RICH COPYRIGHT TAKEDOWN in the subject line so I can address it directly.

These aren’t the thought police. These are the thought vigilantes.

I need your help.

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