SICK: Nobody Saw WHAT Baseball Star Did Behind Trump’s Back Today
Donald Trump invited the Chicago Cubs to the White House today to celebrate their World Series. Little did he know that Baseball Star Albert Almora, Jr had plans of his own…
Almora Flipped Off the President of the United States Behind His Back!
Yep. It was that low. Trump wanted to honor their victory, and instead, they decided to shoot him the bird.
Even weirder was how little Almora seemed to care about Trump or his politics before the shoot. When the Chicago Times asked for his opinions on Trump, he simply responded,
“I just look at it as it’s not every day you get to meet the President of the United States, and in a year I get to meet two.”
See what I mean? He sounded excited to meet Donald Trump.
Look, I’m not gonna defend his actions. They were inappropriate 100%. But he is only 23. Maybe he is a dumbass kid and not a Trump-hating SJW.
Still, it’s gonna be hard NOT to compare this picture of him with Obama in January…