According to Paul M. Sutter….remember the astrophysicist who can’t smell colors… Cosmologists aren’t sure if the universe is infinitely big or just extremely large. Sutter claims that if the universe is infinite in size, then there can be nothing outside of it, as it encompasses all . However, Sutten continues to claim the Universe is only so old and light only travels so fast, that there is an outside to our observable patch. This area between what we can and can not see is called the “surface of last scattering” which is like a uniform sphere of fog which the first-ever photons of cosmic microwave background radiation came from. The surface of the last scattering is like the edge of what we call the observable universe as it is the farthest point in space and farthest point in time that we can observe, what lies beyond that is the “opaque Universe” To measure what is our observable universe, scientists look at its curvature. If the universe was perfectly geometrically flat, then the Universe could be infinite and what lies in the opaque could just be more stars and galaxies. Not to discredit stars and galaxies, I mean look at these A+ swirls. Our current measurements of the curvature of the universe indicate that it is almost perfectly flat, but the subtlety of curvature indicates that the universe would have a finite volume.