Something VERY Strange Just Happened To CNN’s Homepage After Being Called Out On HUGE Russia Lie
It seems that the fake news giant CNN has removed all its stories about alleged collusion between President Donald Trump and the nation of Russia on its own homepage today
As you can clearly see below if you type in “Russia” in the search on CNN’s homepage all you get are two results, and neither is what the left wants to see. One of them is “Assad climbs into Russian jet” and the other is “Colbert announces 2020 run on Russian TV” notice how neither of them is about, nor even mention, President Trump.
As most of all of you know by now three so-called journalists from CNN’s investigative unit were fired from the network after the news network was forced to retract a June 22nd story tying an ally of President Donald Trump to a Russian investment fund.
The fake story quoted an anonymous source which said Senate investigators were examining a meeting between a Wall Street financier named Anthony Scaramucci and an executive for the Russian Direct Investment Fund which invests in both the US and Russia. Although the story stated that the President had no direct ties to this, Scaramucci, who founded hedge fund specialist SkyBridge Capital was tapped to serve on President Trump’s transition team. It was all a lie.
The story in question had appeared on CNN’s website but never actually made it on the air. When it was proven beyond a doubt that the CNN reporters had made the whole thing up, the story was quickly removed late Friday night. CNN later released a statement saying the story did not meet its “editorial standards.” The network also issued an apology to Scaramucci. Scaramucci accepted it gracefully by tweeting, “Everyone makes mistakes, Moving on.” Now that’s classy on Scaramucci’s behalf.