Starwalkers: Dimensional Travelers Pt.1

creation mythologies as well as depicted in ancient Egyptian & Sumerian art, he said. Further, Tibetan lamas were said to dissolve their bodies into pure energy and travel through the stars. The Egyptians, according to the research of Laurence Gardner, may have consumed a manna-like substance that allowed them to “phase shift” to another realm, which Henry referred to as the “dimension of the blessed.” The Sumerian word ‘Nibiru’ meaning “crossing” could actually have referred to a stargate, …

12 thoughts on “Starwalkers: Dimensional Travelers Pt.1”

  1. Every step we take in science will one day allow us to travel the universe.

  2. Why did Joseph Campbell have to die so soon…or be born so early….we need him now. (Mythology scholar)

  3. “they’re talking about recreating the conditions of the big bang” ok…seriously, i realize there’s few ppl who actually understand the implications of this statement, but this is something that is absolutely mind-numbing. IF that is what happens it is like literally saying they created a whole new universe….on earth. see why it’s mind-numbing? again, most wont, but those who do, i hope you’re enjoying being alive in such a magnificently rich and amusing point in time in human existence.

  4. these scientist shouls realy talk to people like monks or shamen so they will have a more broud veiw of what their looking at because what the scientist are now proveing are their belifes, in a scientific point of view instead of spiritual i think its great! cant wait for humanity to open their eyes and see how society has most people basically enslaved without them knowing it away with ignorance haha

  5. i like your point, my preferred mode of transportation is a bike as well but if you look at it simply, does your bike have power brakes, a combustion chamber, cd player, or a deer horn?

    and to relate it back to the discussion, do we really need all of this? or should we stick with our bikes

  6. I heard a pretty terrible comparison in here, he said something to the effect of a bicycle being “lesser advanced” than a harley davidson……now I HAVE a bicycle thats worth more and is higher technology than almost EVERY harley out there….just poking fun and helping you all realize that everybody has their own version of this thing.

  7. have they turned the thing on yet? i heard it kept getting delayed, and that was in the fall, i haven’t heard anything since

  8. Didn’t they turn it on, on 9-11? I had a major shift within on this date. This is when I stepped forward into a state of mind where there is no stepping back. I have started a new beginning which all is forward for me now. I now get to practice what I gained/attained here and what I know cosmically to co-create the Golden Age. I know something ‘clicked’ in me today and I AM of ease now.
    Love and highest vibrations to all!
    All is well.

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